Put a fork in it.

Looks like Arizona is about to bail on the Pac-9. ASU and Utah will be gone in short order. But will Oregon and Washington beat them to the punch in leaving? The NFL started its preseason slate last night. The Browns are off to their best start yet. And that’s about it for sports.

Oh no! What ever shall we do? Also, do these dickheads not remember the words from Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, that bald black congresswoman, and about a half dozen others who all but called directly for rioting in the wake of the George Floyd situation and a few select Supreme Court rulings? Or are they just scummy hypocrites?

Still smiling now, weirdo?

Actions have consequences. I’ll file this in the “Oh well, I don’t give a fuck” column.

Now this is going to cause a crisis? Strange it made the front page when the states and cities dropping AP classes altogether for racial equality didn’t merit a peep. Also, these kids can still take classes that mention sexuality. In college.

What the fucking fuck?!?! I’ve seen civil war reenactments, but never anything from Iwo Jima.

Uh, maybe they shouldn’t have let him go. But he’s one of their own, so he got treated differently.  And now he’ll probably get a disability pension on the taxpayer dime.

I assume there’s more to this story. Namely a bunch of people who are three years behind on rent payments. And the dude is studiously following the law.  But I bet the city figures out a way to screw him over.


LOL. LMAO, even. This is how you do it. I assume the owners saw Coming To America and figured they’d give it a go. And I bet their fries even taste better.

Let’s see how this goes. I’ll be curious if their desire to perform in front of kids is successful or not.

Here’s an underrated song. From a great catalog of music. And here’s another outstanding track. I won’t be dragged into a debate. They were a fantastic band. Enjoy them.

And enjoy this lovely Friday and weekend dear friends.