Holy cow, is it late August already? Good news, apparently, the baby didn’t like the hit to his inheritance and has started sleeping until 6am like a decent human being and not a tiny, cute, soul-destroying monster. I, myself, have nearly returned to feeling fully human and being able to have conversations on topics deeper than “what’s for dinner”. I know I’m jinxing it here, but if I don’t brag as much as I complain on him, I’m not doing it right.

I agree with Alabama writers contra UT fanboys, there’s no way on Earth Nick Saban lets the Longhorns hang around this year. And yes, I’m preparing for this and the FSU-LSU already. Gotta get my liver college football ready!

Letting babies watch cartoons or play games on tablets and phones may make them slower to talk and develop social skills, but may keep their parents from killing them long enough to do so. Okay, I added that second clause. I also question whether any clause other than, “babies don’t interact with people who don’t interact with them daily much anymore” has any noticeable effect on learning to talk or socialize.

UCF has figured out how to turn your farts into hydrogen. Now we just need to figure out how to transport large quantities of hydrogen without terrible explosion risks… you know, besides bonding it to oxygen or carbon.

“Suppose I wanted to kill a lot of pilots — what would be the easy way to do it?” *Not actually a disgruntled airline passenger’s manifesto.


And here’s a music link for you.