Another draw

The Astros and Rangers keep matching each other.  And the playoff chases in both leagues are gonna be exciting. What the hell is going on with Wander Franco? The EPL got off to a solid start this weekend, although Liverpool disappointed me with that draw. Football is inching closer to a reality…just a couple weeks away now. And that’s pretty much it for sports.

Solidarity. Of course, they are selective in using it since nobody is speaking up for the conservative journalist that the WH banned from the press breiefings.

“No time for Hawaii, Jack.”

At least he didn’t say “no comment.” That would be totally unacceptable. Oh wait, that’s what Biden said when asked about it.

They must have just been hungry. Right, AOC?

“Secret” is doing a lot of work here. In fact, I’d wager she’s allowed to call whoever she wants to call.

On brand

Can you blame them? I certainly can’t.

Blood in the water. And the sharks (read: lawyers) smell it.

Sometimes a unicorn is just a horse. And sometimes it’s a jackass.

Maybe they were stolen. And maybe the people whose land they were placed on removed them. And maybe this is bullshit.

West coast, baby. That early stuff hit hard. And here’s the masterpiece. The true OGs. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.