Recently I had a friend visit.  He used to live in Texas, but moved out of country.  I love my friend, but he gaslights. This summer, it was just too hot for him and he was obsessed with talking about global warming.

“The alps have no snow!”

OK, I don’t know about that. Whatever you say.

“Texas is boiling away!”

That one I could speak to.

“The heat has broken records in DFW!” Said the gaslighter.

Note: DFW is the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in North Texas, for you non-Texans.

No, actually it has not.  The hottest temperatures recorded in DFW were in 1980.  I lived through 1980.  I remember. Here’s the chart from NOAA:

Rank Temperature Date
113 Jun 27, 1980
113 Jun 26, 1980
112 Jun 28, 1980
112 Aug 11, 1936
112 Aug 18, 1909
6 111 Sep 4, 2000
110 Aug 2, 2011
110 Jul 12, 1998
110 Jul 18, 1980
110 Jul 2, 1980
110 Aug 16, 1943
110 Aug 10, 1936

The 2000s barely register any records.  Also I don’t know what is with that table color scheme.  It’s crazy.

“There have been more consecutive days of 100+ temperatures in DFW than ever before!” Said the gaslighter.

No, actually 1980 holds that distinction with 13 days in a row over 100.  Which isn’t even a good measurement, because we usually have close to 20 days over 100 degrees in an average summer. Just not consecutively.

All of this was fear mongering and gaslighting to support a belief system. And I hate it. Don’t let people around you get away with this spouting this kind of crap, you can bring up the numbers and show the truth. So suck it, fear porn mongers! At the very least, do it when kids are around, so they can see gaslighters sputter.  Question authority kids!

As an extra step, I decided to look at August average temperatures across the years since 1900.  Remarkably the same, fluctuating in decade-long sine waves from 82 to 92. No hockey stick rise. Or even a little upwards trend. Up and down.

Even more interesting, one of the coldest days in DFW history was in 2021.  It was -2 degrees F (-18 C for the Euros).  You have to go back to 1899 to the great Valentine’s Day Blizzard to see a colder day.

So when people start gaslighting about climate change to support their own misguided beliefs, feel free to bring up some data, tell them to stop praying to Al Gore and go live their lives.  You feel hot?  Go jump in a lake.  We built a lot of those in Texas.