SCHOOL CHOICE WORKS: Arizona has full fledged school choice. Texas does not.

FIRE UP THE WOODCHIPPER: “With wildfires ravaging West Maui on Aug. 8, a state water official delayed the release of water that landowners wanted to help protect their property from fires. The water standoff played out over much of the day and the water didn’t come until too late.” Of course this person will never suffer any negative repercussions for their actions, and will probably retire with a fat pension.  If only they had had a true conversation about equity with the bureaucrat.

SIRENS? WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING SIRENS: Hawaii government officials defend not using “robust” emergency warning system. “Even if people receive the warning, they may not understand it, nor have the means or mobility to evacuate.” Remember, folks, government has no duty to protect or intervene, but you damn sure have a duty to pay for their emergency warning system jobs program for worthless pudknockers.

NOBODY TO LIKE LINK: Mystery Manchester (NH) drone operator drops eggs and water balloons on homeless gathered outside shelter. You know the feds are going to get involved since FAA claims jurisdiction over drones.


HOUSEKEEPING: Thanks to OMWC for doing the links last Thursday, it was much appreciated.