It was so nice of WebDom to do Links for me last weekend so that I could show NPR Lady support taking her Project camping. The Project (her short bus but very sweet neighbor whom everyone takes turns assisting) aside, camping in the Catskills is a lot of fun, if a bit moist. And I apparently didn’t infuriate either of them so I need to work harder at this. The Monster came with us and mostly behaved himself, but… we did a side trip to Bethel Woods, site of the Woodstock museum. There was also a concert going on that day, and judging from the predominance of Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots, it was apparently a country show. I pretended not to notice. The Project has an obsession with hippies, so it was difficult to get her back out of the museum. In any case, The Monster had his first encounter with a horse. He went nuts, thinking that, “That’s the biggest goddamn dog I’ve ever seen!” He barked furiously and nearly snapped his leash. And I would have been tempted to let him try to play except the horse was topped by an armed cop, and we know what their favorite shooting target is. Ah well, missed opportunities.

Birthdays today include the French Kamala Harris; the George Soros of his day; a guy who succeeded by taking a flyer; a disgusting piece de merde; Baltimore’s second best poet; a guy whom you can blame for Gene Roddenberry’s horrible shows; a guy whom you can blame for perverting Philo Farnsworth’s invention; the author of Tennis Without Balls; a man to beware; a guy who fucked Kellyanne Conway AND Margaret Carlson; the guy who put Peyronie’s Disease on the map; and a guy who fucked Wil Wheaton.

And with that, we introduce the Links.


“I didn’t inhale.” h/t NPR Lady


Soooooo much drama. And why progressivism has fucked over people’s brains.


Team Red death wish. Get used to saying “President Harris.”


“It’s just a late-term abortion.”


So I’ll finally be able to see Michael Malice’s account.


Why did this make me laugh my ass off? Excuse me, I have to order some belt onions from Amazon.


OK, Old Guy Music isn’t a song today, it’s a whole show. But holy shit, what a great and unlikely trio.