Weekend in Rochester with NPR Lady. A few funny exchanges.

As I mentioned yesterday, we went to the Public Market to get produce and cheeses. The Dog came with. I had her mind him when I went into one of the buildings to buy some chevre. When I came out, she asked, “Umm, is this normal for him???” pointing to an absolutely massive pile of turds he dropped. I mean, Great Pyramid of Giza massive. “Yep. Takes after me.” Glare.

I spotted two black dogs, one of which was a standard poodle, the other possibly a lab. I wanted to confirm the latter, so asked her, “One was a poodle, was the other a lab?” “I don’t know, I couldn’t tell, I just saw that there was two black dogs.” “Oh, so they all look alike to you?” Glare.

She just had her Weber grill stolen out of her back yard. The heist was faithfully recorded by her security camera. I couldn’t get her to quite admit that the perp was black. “Well, he probably needed it more than you did.” Glare.

Speaking of need, birthdays today include a guy responsible for America’s worst rat-infested shithole; a guy whose work was described as “an unclear thoughtless flow of words”; the second sludgiest writer in the English language; a guy who was not a Weimarauner; a guy who was not Tony Perkins; an amazing piece of shit who would be our most evil president if it weren’t for Woodrow Wilson; a guy who had a pres pass; best baseball name ever; the guy who should have written I’m Your Captain; a guy you don’t want to sit next to at the movies; and my favorite chemistry student.

Onward and Linkward.


If he had studied harder, they would have let him in.


My last time there, I encountered a corner screamer and a sidewalk masturbator. 


I remember this well. There’s a few odd details wrong, but otherwise a very good story. And is a reminder that Spiro Agnew was the liberal candidate when he ran for governor.


Candidate propositioned another adult after he wasn’t his student. Yawn. This is a story?


SMDH. Ramaswamy starts to say something intelligent, then pivots to something disastrously stupid. Fuck that guy. Team Red can’t even give me one candidate that I could imagine voting for.


If lying on a dating profile is illegal, then there’s nearly a 100% population of criminals on Match.com.


Congressman and media lie. And in other news, water is wet.


Old Guy Music is a fellow we’ve seen a couple of times, most recently last night at an excellent little brewery in Honeoye, NY (a lovely rural community tucked into the hills of the Finger Lakes).