“Act like you’re not from Oakland!”

The 49ers pummeled the Giants.  And their fans are picking up the slack after the Raiders bolted for Vegas. France almost hung a hundred on Namibia. Ohio State heads to South Bend with some unanswered questions, in my opinion, to take on Notre Dame. And the last week and change of the MLB regular season is gonna be wild. I wish there was more to discuss, but that’s it. Moving on…

This whole thing is fucking ridiculous. Struggle sessions can’t be too far off at this point. At least when it comes to retards who pretend for a living.All us normies who deal in reality will be sitting back laughing.

One of these two fucked Harvey Weinstein. Twice.

How very gracious of them! Letting a private industry set their own terms of business and letting them do their own risk assessment is quite a benevolent thing to do. Unfortunately, the strings attached to the deal should be a non-starter to any business with an ounce of self-respect. Or anybody who hates fascism.

This should cost hundreds of people their jobs. Namely the idiots who pushed and pushed for this plane to get funded and built in lieu of other options. And that includes a bunch of elected officials.  But since they’re all government people they’ll end up getting promoted and/or get a fat taxpayer-funded pension.


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, Brooks. No, not our Brooks. The dickhead one from the NYT. Anyway, he’s getting pummeled and I wouldn’t be shocked if he claims to have received death threats soon, and then just deletes his twitter (I ain’t calling it X, sorry) account.

MORE! MORE! MORE! We really need to figure out how to charter a passenger train. These buses aren’t nearly as efficient in helping these people as trains would be. Plus they’re using green energy!

Did they contract school lunches to Chipotle? I feel bad for those kids. But I ate a questionable country fried steak last night in Kingsville, TX and I think I’m starting to share some of their symptoms.  So yes, I’m pretty sure I will stand, or rather sit on the toilet, in solidarity with them shortly.

This is fucking stupid. Wait till these plaintiffs find out that that B-52 shots contain no airplane components. Or that a baked Alaska contains no pieces of the 49th state. Scummy bastards.

I’m sure some of this is racially motivated. I would not be surprised at all.  However, and I say that as someone who is not a knee-jerk fan of the cops, the rates of arrest being 7x higher show that the people they’re pulling over are much, much more likely to have an outstanding warrant or some legally justifiable reason to be arrested. Otherwise…they wouldn’t be arrested. The rest of the piece is just bullshit soft bigotry of low expectations by saying the city taxpayers should pay for minor safety repairs because minorities are somehow too poor or too stupid to manage them own their own.

You could changer a couple words and this would still be accurate. Either way, it’s still a rocking song. The same could be said for this one. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Friday and weekend, dear friends.