His name was PK.  We had just checked out the new Fabulous Flamingo Hotel, dropped some cash on the blackjack table.  Liquor stores sucked in Vegas at the time.  Overpriced, bad selection.  “I know a place in New Mexico,” CK says.  “I can make it, I only had a few martinis…” Now he’s a fucking mask at Spirit Halloween.

It’s almost Halloween again! And Glibs needs content so I am pushing this out ASAP.  I had some fun on Amazon and put

I WISH I was that skinny.  Go eat a cheeseburger, hippie!

together some Glibertarian costumes for Halloween.  What’s that? You find being made into a costume insulting? Look, I have to deal with people running around dressed like aliens and going ACK ACK at Halloween.  Sometimes people even walk by me and go ACK ACK at the bar.  In December. I think you can deal with a Glibertarian costume.  So what makes a Glibertarian costume?

Note:  All links go to Amazon and are safe for work.

I think the basic costume is a top hat, monocle, and a T-shirt with an incredibly sarcastic saying. I picked Libootarian because it is adorable. I think that costume is great, especially on a budget.  If you buy all of it you’ll be out about $50.  The hat and monocle even comes with a fake money bag!

So let’s say you have kids, and you want them in on your theme?  What if I told you there were boy and girl orphan outfits?  To complete the orphan change sorting look, you need a bag full of random coins, which your orphans must sort at the Halloween party. Nobody can afford real coins anymore, so I included a link to some plastic ones.

Now what if you want a STEVE SMITH costume?  I think I have you covered two different ways.  Here is a link to the official Jack Link Sasquatch outfit. Just add an… appendage of your choice (also available on Amazon) and you’re ready for action! I was also very impressed by this ape carrying a man in a cage outfit – I think that could be adapted into a Sasquatch outfit by a handy Glib. Have STEVE SMITH carrying a cage with Biden in it? Hmmm…. The possibilities are endless.

What if you want to go as the Hat and Hair? You need a Make America Great Again hat with giant googly eyes on it. Use a red Sharpie to draw in the bloodshot veins.  How about The Hair?  Here is the set of both hat and hair for $30. If you want to be a super fan, go for the gold ring by wearing a scorched white USA Hat with some googly eyes on it and a chunk of foam for a tooth!

I did not forget to honor our Stoics.  Here is a decent non-flashy robe. Carry a copy of Discourses (in hardback) so if anyone gives you grief, you can say “I’m Epictetus, bitch!  And I am not lame!” then give them a massive whack with the book spine. You will be the life of the party.  If not, you’re at the wrong party.

Well, that’s it from me.  Any other ideas?  Discuss below.