His name was PK. We had just checked out the new Fabulous Flamingo Hotel, dropped some cash on the blackjack table. Liquor stores sucked in Vegas at the time. Overpriced, bad selection. “I know a place in New Mexico,” CK says. “I can make it, I only had a few martinis…” Now he’s a fucking mask at Spirit Halloween.
It’s almost Halloween again! And Glibs needs content so I am pushing this out ASAP. I had some fun on Amazon and put

I WISH I was that skinny. Go eat a cheeseburger, hippie!
together some Glibertarian costumes for Halloween. What’s that? You find being made into a costume insulting? Look, I have to deal with people running around dressed like aliens and going ACK ACK at Halloween. Sometimes people even walk by me and go ACK ACK at the bar. In December. I think you can deal with a Glibertarian costume. So what makes a Glibertarian costume?
Note: All links go to Amazon and are safe for work.
I think the basic costume is a top hat, monocle, and a T-shirt with an incredibly sarcastic saying. I picked Libootarian because it is adorable. I think that costume is great, especially on a budget. If you buy all of it you’ll be out about $50. The hat and monocle even comes with a fake money bag!
So let’s say you have kids, and you want them in on your theme? What if I told you there were boy and girl orphan outfits? To complete the orphan change sorting look, you need a bag full of random coins, which your orphans must sort at the Halloween party. Nobody can afford real coins anymore, so I included a link to some plastic ones.
Now what if you want a STEVE SMITH costume? I think I have you covered two different ways. Here is a link to the official Jack Link Sasquatch outfit. Just add an… appendage of your choice (also available on Amazon) and you’re ready for action! I was also very impressed by this ape carrying a man in a cage outfit – I think that could be adapted into a Sasquatch outfit by a handy Glib. Have STEVE SMITH carrying a cage with Biden in it? Hmmm…. The possibilities are endless.
What if you want to go as the Hat and Hair? You need a Make America Great Again hat with giant googly eyes on it. Use a red Sharpie to draw in the bloodshot veins. How about The Hair? Here is the set of both hat and hair for $30. If you want to be a super fan, go for the gold ring by wearing a scorched white USA Hat with some googly eyes on it and a chunk of foam for a tooth!
I did not forget to honor our Stoics. Here is a decent non-flashy robe. Carry a copy of Discourses (in hardback) so if anyone gives you grief, you can say “I’m Epictetus, bitch! And I am not lame!” then give them a massive whack with the book spine. You will be the life of the party. If not, you’re at the wrong party.
Well, that’s it from me. Any other ideas? Discuss below.
Yandy needs a Sexy Qanon Shaman costume.
I am amazed they don’t have one already.
Check this out:
“Sexy Hand Sanitizer”
I remember that one!
Looks like we will be doing our big household move over Halloween. Mrs OBE dies for Halloween and loves to dress up. I wanted to go as the Swedish Chef this year to honor my people and show we still know how to make fun of ourselves.
Last year I went as Tom Petty Mad Hatter. A basic mad hatter costume plus a blue vest plus sunglasses. I was noticeably missing the checkered shoes though.
For other Glib costumes, I suggest a bear suit or a furry Russian hat. Or perhaps a rat wearing a tutu.
Here is a decent non-flashy robe. ,/bockquote>
I lol’d.
I love my Stoics. and “Epicetus was lame” never gets old. Yes, I am five years old.
RJ, I’m going to listen to this song while reading your most welcome post.
Besides, a Winged Hussar would make a great Halloween costume.
Two out of three ain’t bad…
You’ve got three balls?
That would be E.T.
Everyone knows that really stood for “Extra Testicle.”
Eddie Tuarez, the Extra Testicle. He was from East Outer Space.
She’s got ’em
Ted’S, i was expecting you to link to a horrible Meat Loaf song.
Here’s my choice.
I like this version better:
That is a classic. Either way, trailing orphans with bags of money would really make it.
Here’s one that is appropriate for a number of us.
A classic. See meme:
That Biden Mask makes me feel like Da Vinci compared to whoever sculpted that.
I picked a particularly bad one. On purpose. I liked the description of it.
And, I’ll have you know, red puffy paint works better for the eye veins. Gives them depth.
This is why I post. To get the great ideas.
Scrooge Mc Duck: https://carboncostume.com/scrooge-mcduck/
Ayn Rand for the ladies: https://www.atlassociety.org/post/ayn-rand-halloween-makeup-in-10-easy-steps
I like that first comment on the Ayn Rand makeup, about how she would not like Halloween because it sounded collectivist.
“Helping Is Futile”
I feel like I could rock a Scrooge McDuck costume…
The classic couple costume Pineapple with Pizza.
I’d pay to see that pineapple get onto that pizza, if you know what I mean.
Just add an… appendage of your choice (also available on Amazon) and you’re ready for action!
By ‘action,’ mean…?
Another couple’s costume: Iron Man and Judge Dredd ->Iron Law
Or mix and match both costumes to make a solo costume of the same.
Oh, bravo. I appreciate the shout-out.
I just dress normal and say I’m a serial killer. We look like everyone else. My kids already think I looked like Dahmer in my younger, nerdier, poorly coiffed days.
Carry a box of Count Chocula too, for the pun.
Dress like Ted Cruz, and everyone will know you are a serial kller.
Or, twist, pour milk all over your self while sticking a banana up your butt, and, voila, cereal killer victim!
We’re not gonna fall for a banana in the tailpipe.
I do that sometimes except I either say I’m the town drunk or that I’m “that asshole”.
Does anyone have a pic available of the Hat and Hair in Glib’s Gulch? Also, USA Hat is available for purchase, tooth not included.
Gold Bar is my personal favorite. A bit pricey however.
At that price I hope it’s covered in real gold.
Mascot Costume Head Cooling System sold separately.
Nice. I finally got the wife to watch Mars Attacks a couple months ago. Not the best movie, but a fun one.
Aliens would never destroy Vegas. They love the blinky lights and drink specials.
Contrarian, I wasn’t able to reply in the last thread before it closed (apologies RJ). The answer isn’t to force doctors to provide care to anyone, but rather to remove the state-enforced restrictions to competition that doctors currently enjoy.
What we have in medicine today is akin to a system that not only forbids people from growing their own food, but also requires them by force of law to only buy food from a government licensed grocery store supplied by government licensed farmers. If the gov-licensed farmers in such a system don’t provide food, then people starve. This isn’t hypothetical but something we’ve seen play out time and time again under Marxist rule.
Medicine is no different. We are watching with horror what happens with such monopolistic control over medicine in the UK. And in other countries that are itching to introduce social credit to further restrict access to medicine for the populace. This is what’s behind the recent restructuring of the MCAT to contain what can only be described as a Social Justice Warrior component for screening future docs to ensure they are onboard with “medical equity” (aka rationing of medical care based on State preferences).
Different Glibs recently posted about not being able to get medicine for extreme pain because the MD Guild refused access. It’s a real life problem and not some hypothetical issue. It may not be slavery, but make no mistake that the monopolistic control of medicine is still an evil of its own.
I think the medical and education communities came out looking the worst post-shutdowns. I’m really surprised that anyone argues that there are ethics in medicine today. This isn’t to knock the profession, it’s just a statement of fact. The same doctors who denied patients care for not getting vaccinated are still employed. The same doctors who promoted the idiocy of shutdowns (without any scientific basis) are still employed. The only doctors who were fired were those who didn’t go along with the above idiocy, including Stanford doctors who pushed back on shutdowns early on.
Based on my personal observations of the most ambitious pre-meds in the country 30 years ago, I could have told you that they don’t have any ethics, just ambition.
I’ve been wearing this the past couple of years. I think it’s time to switch it up, as some of the kids remember and comment on the costume. The costume has let me know that there is at least one amazingly terrible parent in the neighborhood. No six year old should know who Sam is.
Shouldn’t they? He is the reason for Halloween celebrations.
The kid was referencing the movie. Which is not a common movie, and very much not for kids. Very good Halloween movie though.
Haven’t been to a costume party in nearly 20 years.
Probably 30 years for me.
Not counting the parties where I went dressed up as a responsible adult, that is.
When we had just started dating, the wife and I went to one. That was the last for both of us. She went as Batgirl, I went as the Hebrew Hammer.
“Any other ideas? Discuss below.”
You can’t tell me what to do.
True. Everything is voluntary.
Q-Anon Shaman
I pulled it off pretty well 2 years ago. I bought buffalo horns (dog treats) and a fake coonskin cap from Amazon and sewed the horns into the cap. Tan sweatpants and face paint from amazon. Grabbed my brothers American flag off his house.
The last costume party I went to (15-ish years ago) I went as the Cat in the Hat.
I work more Nationals Matches than most people do, so I have a glimpse into how the USPSA organization functions (in that environment. No idea about budgeting, etc).
Anyway, there are four (4) levels of referee in USPSA. They are named after the roles that are assumed at a match, but are not necessarily correlated.
1. Range Officer – literally anybody can take this class. Minimum of $80/student or $400/class, whichever is larger, plus airfare and lodging for the instructor that gets flown in. It takes a couple of days in class (with a live fire portion) and an extremely tedious final exam (which has to be retaken every year to maintain your credential). Several hundred RO’s get created every year, so there’s probably a few thousand of them in total.
2. Chief Range Officer (I am here) – Supposedly you used to need some major match experience to qualify for this, but in reality, they will take any RO who is enough of a sucker to make themselves eligible for the worst job at the match. How badly do they need CROs? The course is another couple of days, but when I took it, it was free. There are a few dozen of these produced a year. I imagine that the turnover is lower than for ROs, since it takes an unusual level of dedication to get here, but there are probably still less than a thousand of these total.
3. Range Master – The process to become an RM takes months/years and is a mix of online courses, tutoring, apprenticeship and evaluated match officiating. Entrance into the RM program requires approval so this is where the good ol’ boy network/reputation building/politics becomes important. Last I heard there are 43 of these guys total.
4. Range Master instructor – no idea about this except it’s invitation-only. These are the guys that get flown around to give the level 1 classes.
Anyway, the reason I mention this is that at a Nationals match, you require 1-3 RMs, 20 CROs, and 40+ ROs. Because Nats are fun, you get enough people volunteering that you fill those roles with higher-certified people (of those 40+ ROs, only 12 of them this time are “just” RO certified.)
So I got the list, and I’m scrutinizing who got picked for what and trying to figure out what that means as far as internal politics goes.
All the RM positions are being filled by RMIs. Most of the CRO positions are filled with RMs. But there are some CRO slots being run by “actual” CROs. Why? Are these RM candidates? But the real headscratchers are the RO slots being filled by RM and even an RMI. Did they piss someone off? Is there a connection between their recent failed run for USPSA president and their low-status assignment?
It makes me happy that the setup crew (who get there a week early to drag barrels and swing hammers) are all CRO or above, including the Grand Poobah and the Chief Mucketty-Muck.
How does one dress up as “Non-Existant” (as in There Are No Libertarian Women™)? Head to toe camo?
Here’s an instructional video.
Good question. A Ghillie suit? Maybe a Schrodinger’s cat type thing, just stay inside a refrigerator box.
Japanese stagehand’s costume.
I haven’t dressed up for Halloween since high school. Probably the same as last time I went to a Halloween party.
You guys are making me want to schedule an annual Glib Halloween.
Day 13 of manhunt for escaped murderer in PA. Last night he got into a garage and grabbed a loaded .22 scoped rifle leaning against the wall. Resident investigated a noise and fired his pistol but missed. Police responded quickly but fugitive still in the wind.
Escaped murderer would also be an excellent costume.
But I wear khakis and a polo shirt most days.
You work at State Farm?
He. Sounds. Hideous.
I would have guessed glowie.
“Greetings Fellow Glibs” is a great costume I did not think of. If I hosted a party, it would be five actual Glibs dressed like that, and a dozen actual agents, also dressed like that.
with or without the earbud with wire running into your shirt/jacket
But do you have to have a miniature doll of Calista Flockheart in your pocket?
It may not be slavery, but make no mistake that the monopolistic control of medicine is still an evil of its own.
At this point, if 90% of the “medical professionals” in this country suddenly disappeared it would be a net positive, as far as I can tell.
Allah knows I am no fan of doctors (as a hospital lawyer, we were natural enemies). The majority, maybe even most, aren’t bad people. They are just people, caught up in a bad system. I know its easy to bash them for going along to get along during the Plague Years, but I made my own moral compromises/engaged in my own moral cowardice as well, so I can’t bust their balls much for that.
Agreed. There are a lot of good doctors, much like there are good public school teachers. In no way did I intend to besmirch everyone in the profession. But, like public schools, when we speak of a profession we are talking about the overriding culture and not specific people. I’m certain there are a great deal of decent people who work at the IRS. At the same time, it’s not wrong to say that the IRS is evil.
I was thinking of going as Dorthy and Frank from Blue Velvet this Halloween.
I knew a couple girls back in High School who refered to their period as “Frank Booth is coming”
I need to stay away from Gunbroker…
They have a couple other Sigs that I covet, but will probably get too high. That one should still end up in my price range.
I’d have to swap out the grips though.
The fake wood grips look like a Daisy BB gun. Agreed.
I’ve got a P226 (actually, it was my wedding present to Mrs. Dean, but she prefers the HK VP9, so it’s in my pile for the moment). Nice gun. At over $400 with 5 days left, it’s probably going to end up more than I would want to pay.
I already have 2, but wanted a two tone with the nickel controls too. >.>
I have a P226, .40 S&W, but it’s all black. Shoots real nice.
I made a run at this rifle. It got too rich for my blood.
Here I am in the belly of the beast. Of course there was a Congress asshole on my flight.
Did you smell brimstone?
There was definitely a Sulphur tinge in the air
Dun… Dun… Dunnnnnnn…..
More like Vick’s VapoRub with our current geriatric group.
Back when I lived in Madison, both of the WI Senators would often take a Friday afternoon flight back from DC to Madison (local/regional airline, can’t recall which one). I took it a couple of times. It was full of lobbyists, slavering to get their mitts on a Senator as a captive audience. Disgusting display of sycophancy and avarice. They would book the flight every week, apparently, in hopes of catching one (or occasionally both) the Senators.
I’ll give you three guesses…
“In basic terms, it was engine failure, as does happen in racing, as these engines are ‘highly strung’. We don’t know the actual cause internally until it’s taken back and checked, but there was some internal failure, which caused a hole in the side of the sump, that let the oil out towards the exhaust which was the spectacular ‘explosion’ you saw.
Hope it was insured properly. I’ve no idea if racing something this expensive is insurable.
A twist on the ol’ “Everything is for sale, it is just a matter of price”
Everything is insurable, it is just a matter of premiums.
My background is insurance. I’m aware of agreed value insurance for collector cars and I’m familiar with insurance for track day use with your normal passenger registration and even exotic car.
However, full out racing a classic car of this value would be something for Lloyds or the like and I’ve never seen such a contract. I’m sure they can write one, but the premium as you mention may come close to the limits.
Generally when you get to the point of being able to race something like that you have enough money to also rebuild it from scratch just sitting in an account. Insurance is moot.
Kamala Harris is on a race team?
OT: As of now, I am on VACATION!!! 😃🥳💃🎉👯♀️
First stop: salon to get reredded.
Does it hurt when they take out your soul?
Oh, I was born red, so I never had one.
You enjoy that vacation. If I had a vacation the first thing I would do is take a nap.
Today’s the last day of my vacation.
Mobil 1 burns with a lovely orange flame.
And of course that reminds me of the old, “Electrical failure. A rod came out the side of the motor and knocked the alternator off.” race engine post mortem.
Lol – I knew a kid in HS that tried to explain to his dad that he ruined the dad’s Camaro by running over a connecting rod left in the road and that’s what put a hole in the oil pan. It certainly wasn’t the connecting rod coming through the oil pan from the motor what did it.
Sounds legit.
The only thing I dress up is my avatar.
I thought of you this weekend. I went to dinner at a really good Cajun place in Illinois called Moe Joe’s for my friend’s birthday. Your spelling is better.
However, full out racing a classic car of this value would be something for Lloyds or the like and I’ve never seen such a contract. I’m sure they can write one, but the premium as you mention may come close to the limits.
It is my understanding that many of the cars raced at places like Goodwood are essentially replicas. The tubs are reproductions, the suspensions are reproductions, et c. I worked on a project building a Ferrari 312 endurance car around a freshly fabricated monocoque, a long time ago.
I also suspect a majority of those guys are essentially self insured. They have their own people and race shops. It’s not like you can order that stuff off the shelf from Maranello.
My impression was they’re genuine, in a Ship of THeseus sense.
The coffee cup of Theseus is pretty disgusting, though.
Neph, Halloween games would be a good topic. I found these Top Trumps:
Which are awesome.
Surprised to see the Hodag there
You gotta dig deep to come up with 30 cards.
Here is a decent non-flashy robe.
We are missing the most obvious costume: The Woodchipper.
Use a bunch of different sized carboard boxes painted a dull yellow to make up the body, wheels, feed, and chute. Have your head and arms hanging out the feed. Use a internal fan to blow red stringers out of the chute.
Any chance of crashing a party with Preet in attendance?
My impression was they’re genuine, in a Ship of THeseus sense.
Those original chassis may have been worked on, along the line.
ship of fools
I linked a video a while back, about a Ferrari collection going under the hammer in Monterrey. One of the cars was, to the casual observer, nothing but a pile of junk. But, as one of the annoying people in the video pointed out, what was really on sale was the “rights” to that chassis number. With properly acknowledged and recorded ownership, it would be possible to
restore itcompletely build a car from scratch a car to hang that chassis number plate on.I just looked: the jumble of bits and pieces sold for something like 1.8 million dollars.
Frank Booth’s What’s That Smell on SNL back in 1987.
Mark your calendars.