I spent my weekend building multiple grandstands for my son’s little league.  A bit frustrating given they were meant for a field my son will not be playing on, but hey…I did something good.  The fun part was how many nuts and bolts I had to hand tighten my fingers were sore at the end of the day.  Then the following morning I went to deadlift as I typically do on Sundays, and dropped the bar on 355.  A weight I normally have no problem maintaining a grip.

There really are two kinds of strength.



Man, are those third-wave feminists going to be pissed when Mexico beats the US to having a female presidente. Yes the US press is pushing their acceptance of Sheinbaum.

Mexico now has the largest exports to US, bumping China from the #1 spot.

The Europeans seem to think Milei is a threat.  Here’s most of the story sans paywall.  Nevertheless, here he is yelling at Argentine media.

Spain posthumously removes a military award Franco gave to Pinochet in 1975.  Fitting given both men are responsible for ensuring communists failed to get into power in their respective countries.

¡Viva España!

Pinochet however was in the news yesterday for the 50th anniversary of the coup that removed Salvador Allende, the marxist Chile elected in 1970.  The thing is, by 1973 anyone with half a brain knew Marxists were homicidal maniacs with no problem exterminating anyone that disagreed with their idiotic ideology.  (i.e. Cuba, Cambodia, China, Korea, Soviet Union) Preventing such monsters from gaining anything resembling authority is admirable at least from a utilitarian standpoint.


I’m eagerly waiting for the news of some Pennsytuckian mob hunting this guy down. Apparently they put a $25,000 bounty on his head.


P.S. from what I am seeing among the higher ups in the AZLP….this is not a joke.  They actually intend to file the paperwork.


Here’s a tune.  Enjoy your martes!