The rumors that I’m actually sitting around the house in my underwear, drinking wine and listening to music or out for a pleasant bike ride instead of doing the work and chores that have been piling up because I’ve been gone weekends are all scurrilous lies. Lies, I tell you! I’m actually being very responsible and not having any fun at all, nossir. And that’s exactly what I’ve told NPR Lady. See, if she were here, we’d be sitting around the house in our underwear, drinking wine and listening to music or out for a pleasant bike ride. But she’s not, so I’m adulting. That’s the official story in case she asks any of you. Right?

Birthdays today are numerous and excellent, including The Big Red Bird; a true badass who has been unfairly maligned; the inspiration for many Jewsdays; a guy who didn’t know when to stop writing and say “The End”; a guy who was about 85 years ahead of his time with the Basement Strategy; the Adolf Eichmann of poultry; arguably the best drummer to ever hold two sticks; a guy who could have been fishing; a guy responsible for football’s finest moment; one of two sisters who often gave Young Man With Candy uncontrollable erections*; a guy with rather unusual preferences in blowjobs; one of the most truly annoying performers out there and a guarantee of a shitty movie; and an actress who played insufferable perfectly.

*Punchline: SP knew her and made sure we never met.

Let’s Link, then I’ll get busy.


Woodchipper. With extreme prejudice. At least a lot of LE agencies are saying they won’t go along, a rare moment of accord with the cops.


The Mafia gets slightly restricted. Slightly. Remember this the next time you hear Progs grumbling about “creeping authoritarianism.”


The Progs’ new favorite Team Red guy pounds the only drum he’s got. I still love the description by a woman I dated for a few months who worked for him: “Assclown.”


Waiting for NPR to blame the climate crisis.


Speaking of the climate crisis…


A hilariously clumsy attempt at a hatchet job.


Old Guy Music is a birthday boy playing one of my favorite bop standards. And Richard Davis, my favorite hard bop bassist (and my prof when I took History of Jazz at UW many years ago).