Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! It’s that wonderful time again to sit down, sip that coffee, bitch about traffic to your coworker and enjoy another wonderful day and the links!


Bob Mendenz Insists He’ll Be Exonerated on Federal Indictment


Adam Schiff Earmarked $10 Million for Defense Contractors That Donated to His Campaign


The FBI Has ’50-Percent Rate’ Of Getting Speech Censored From The Internet, Court Filing Says


Biden Admin Moves to Give Federal IDs to Illegals


Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul calls in National Guard amid New York’s worsening migrant crisis


Biden admin about to deport German migrant family after 15 years fighting for asylum?


Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt


Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone as over a thousand have vanished so far this year


That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.