Arright, here’s the stellar deelie-o:  War.  You’ve got Mars on one side of the sun, and Jupiter retrograde on the other.  And neither of those planets move fast, so it’ll be a while before that breaks up.  Sorry about that.  Mars being in Scorpio, we should expect ambushes, hiding under rocks, and poison.  Jupiter retrograde being in Taurus, we should expect a surprising lack of innovation, but endurance.  Also slaiughter.

Libra: 4 of Wands – A nice party, but in the latter stages where the guests have moved on.

Scorpio: Knight of Cups –  Arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanor, invitation, incitement.

Sagittarius: The Blank Card.

Capricorn: Ace of Swords reversed – Redlining the engine can make it blow up.

Aquarius: Page of Coins – Application, study, scholarship, reflection.

Pisces: 5 of Coins reversed – Disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, profligacy.

Aries: Knight of Coins – Utility, serviceableness, interest, responsibility, rectitude, also an armored car driver.

Taurus: Death reversed – When it’s reversed, it doesn’t mean death-death, just lying around being useless, depressed, potential as opposed to actual good things ending. Or failure due to you being lazy and/or mopey.

Gemini: Queen of Coins – Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, liberty.

Cancer: 7 of Wands reversed – an uphill battle.

Leo: The Empress – Fruitfulness, action, initiative, length of days, the unknown, clandestine, also difficulty, doubt, ignorance. 

Virgo: 9 of Wands reversed – doors closed against you.

I totally get why fans of a band don’t like it when that band changes.  After all, they’re no longer producing the sound that made them fans in the first place.  However, I also have respect for bands that do decide that either they’ve done all they can in their idiom or that they’re bored and aren’t willing to keep beating a dead horse for the paycheck (looking at you Aerosmith).  But then there’s another problem to sticking with “your style” into old age:  it can demonstrate how old you’re getting.  Like this one for example.  It’s a good song and it’s in the OG style (though Dave Navarro has evolved) and it’s got the same generally upbeat, wholesome moral lesson as so many of them do.  And by itself it’s fine, but listen to it immediately after something from their pre-breakup discography and you’ll go “Holy Fuck Perry Ferrel really doesn’t have the chops anymore.”