For obvious reasons, my out-of-town friends like to come here in October; the fall foliage is spectacular, the wine grapes are all coming in, and the deer hunters are busy shooting one another. Meantime, I’m trying to finish an overdue for-pay article, prepare lesson plans, and perform my Sunday religious ritual (which involves Ravens and Steelers). But even with all that, I’m going to try to bring some half decent Links to the party.

Leaves drop and so do birthdays, including a guy who had strong principles; a guy who may have been a G-type; a guy who didn’t invent a cool guitar; best royal name EVER; a guy who didn’t cry; Joe Biden’s spirit animal; a guy in competition for the most overrated sci fi writer in history; a guy who refined grift to a previously unexplored level; a guy with the reputation of being the biggest asshole in show biz, which is quite a feat; a woman who is truly as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside; Ohio’s answer to Robert Reich; a woman most famous for her tighty whiteys; and proof that the best actors are remarkably shallow people.


Shall we link?


Yep. This is going to go very poorly.


It’s the Joohs fault.


This guy is way too stupid not to be a CIA plant.


Umm. Uhh. Okay?


What’s the over/under on when Rudy is going to be found dead, after getting shit faced and choking on his own puke?


OFFS. How about fretting over why a crappy Pumpkin Spice latte at Starbucks costs seven fucking dollars?


Just wait until the rats start testing positive for the plague!


The Old Guy is incredibly impressed with how Les Claypool can make an extended one chord song interesting. And I love that they’re playing at the Madonna Inn.