I guess nothing happened over the weekend.  Just ask Jim Cramer:

I have no idea if this is real or not.  Other hot takes include El Presidentè DudeBro joining in the mockery.

“Now say it without crying.”  No event like this is complete without the classic NPC meme:

…or cringe boomer art:

Okay…now for enlaces!

The reaction to Milei from their stock market is a 20% jump.

The reaction from Mexico is predictable.  AMLO calls this an “own goal.”  This after he ordered railways to prioritize passenger service over freight.  They just love their railroads.

Guatemalan deep state presses charges on their new president-elect.

The worlds most perfect woman settles her Spanish back taxes.  Personally, I would just do what Ronaldo did and never go back to Spain again.

This seems like a perfectly cromulent tune for today. ¡Viva la libertad carajo!