Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! It’s that wonderful time again to sit down, sip that coffee, bitch about traffic to your coworker and enjoy another lovely day and the links!


Obama Lays Blame for Hamas Terror on “All of Us”


Antifa Crazies Harassing Conservative Opposing Child Gender Surgeries Get Yelled at by Muslims


Comer Teases ‘Around Two Dozen Subpoenas’ For Biden Family Investigation


Federal Appeals Court Upholds Strict Illinois Ban on “High-Powered Guns”


Election Fraud Cases Break Out in 3 Democrat States


FTC: Amazon Earned Over $1 Billion Through Secret Price-Raising Algorithm


Strikers Caused 75k Net Job Losses in 2023


Woke investing takes massive hit as investors lose interest, risks becoming more apparent


“Beyond Meat” Cuts Non-Production Workforce by 19 Percent Due to Lack of Demand for Fake Meat


Downtown San Francisco’s McDonald’s Closes After 30 Years, Citing Lack of Tourism


That’s all I got for today.  I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.