What fun. This past week I gave a talk on something I know nothing about (recycling and re-use of glass) in front of 150 experts, and I had less than a week to prepare. At the same time that I had to do a massive report. So if I seem a bit fuzzy around the gills, that’s why. Tomb Raider is doing a fundraiser today for an organization that runs counter to everything I thing is good and right, so that’s where I’ll be, and being very quiet. I hope no-one directly asks my opinions…

It’s my just reward.

And speaking of rewards, birthdays today include the regrettable inventor of the selfie; a guy who looked cute in a pinafore; the spiritual father of Vaclav Havel; yet another argument for term limits; the pride of Philadelphia; a woman who was with a King and a Caesar; and yet another (maybe better) argument for term limits; a guy who played Free Jazz but never free jazz; the most reference author by the finger-wagging proggie crowd; one of the two toughest defensive NFL players to ever kill someone; a fine libertarian except for that unfortunate Jew-hating thing; the subject of many, many sick jokes; and some news bimbette whose name is familiar but I can’t say I’d ever recognize her.

Let’s Link, renewably.


This group of paid shills can suck a bag of donkey dicks while they’re being lowered into the woodchipper.


So let me understand this: here’s a guy who has picked loser after loser, but somehow his endorsement is meaningful. I’m already counting the money I’m gonna win from all my election bets.


And the Teams are still desperately trying to wipe their asses with the First Amendment.


Government schools get aggressive in their quest to euchre more tax money.


Still cheaper than my ex-wife.


They act like this is a bad thing. I love the framing of “news deserts.”


Curry strikes again. “There is a key difference between a ‘scientific consensus’ and a ‘consensus of scientists.'”


Look, it’s Tony Rice. The Old Man needn’t say more.