One of the best

The Rangers have wn the World Series. The D-backs had a nice run, but they ran onto s buzzsaw.  Basketball legend Bob Knight has passed away. And ManUre got bounced out of the League Cup. And that’s about not for sports.

There’s stress in the real world. The guy is an asshole, but this is a ridiculous response.

Yeah, that’s a problem. They’re gonna want to get that fixed.

This is on-brand. If anybody would know about bypassing a normal process for military promotion and service, it would be Dick Blumenthal.

What a bizarre case. I got nothing else on this one.

He’s just like us!

Oh, the humanity! Living like a normie is now breaking news?

How generous of them. We should all thank them for their graciousness in letting people keep a few more dollars they’ve earned.

What a guy. I actually believe him, so that’s not said in jest.

So hip. So edgy. What a joyless asshole this guy must be.

Truly the greatest generation of music. That’s their only hit that I can’t place in a movie. This one was in a movie though. One of the greatest movies in the history of mankind, I might add. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy the end of this cold snap, dear friends.