Good game

The Eagles topped the Chiefs in the Super Bowl rematch. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw them play again this year. The US lost to Trinidad in soccer, but they still won. F1 drivers want an earlier start in Vegas. Which gives them something in common with American race fans. And that’s pretty much it for sports.

Wow. Cool. Thanks for the info. Now kindly fuck off.

Don’t care. Fight your own war.

That’s it. Kick that hornet’s nest. We had every chance to get out of there without starting WW3. And these dumb bastards can’t just walk away without doubling down.

This should surprise nobody. It will also surprise nobody when the government ignores it.

It’s about time science was used for good. I hope I see a Nobel Prize in their future.

Welp, she’s back in the news. Which is probably all she really cared about.


“Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?” OK, probably not all that exciting. But it is funny.

Curious they only mention the make/model when it’s a specific company. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

Wow, that price seems a bit excessive. Regardless who it’s being imposed on.

Love those keyboards. And everything else about the song. And here’s a lovely track. And the video is just pure 80s. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.