These links today might be a bit….hasty.  Turns out we decided to head out of town for a couple days so I am completing this task obscenely early because I get up at 0608 out of habit,  Next up:  Home Depot!



Same old story, a call for negotiations to end the migrant crisis.  The demands coming from AMLO however seem to suggest neither side is actually serious.

….but wait, there’s more! //Billy Mays

Meanwhile in Cuba, issues with tourism and farm productivity left the government with a choice between raising prices or reducing rations.

Don’t worry, there’s plenty of Milei news but the trouble is the narrative machine resembles AA in Baghdad during the Gulf War.  Protests began in earnest due to what the BBC for some reason is calling austerity measures.

Milei responded by declaring groups organizing protests will cover security costs and damages occurring due to their protests.  How will they do that?  They added dye to their crowd control water cannons, commies smurfs get the rope.

The fun part for you Bitcoin maxis and Peter Schiff types, they removed currency restrictions that previously kept the Argentine Peso artificially high. Not to worry, they will allow all business contracts to be completed under any medium of exchange. Including milk.  In spite of all this, they still paid their last IMF installment on time—without going through a currency swap scheme with China.

This seems like an early 90’s day.  Here’s a tune from back then.