I don't have anything extra for you this week. Sorry.

“Jensen Huang was everywhere this year, and he’s using his leverage to make Nvidia the next Intel.”

“Jujutsu Kaisen confirmed for season 3” (I admit this is barely news even to me)

“Any divergence from this free-market conception of property rights, such as those divergences typical of socialism, communism, corporatism, feudalism, and fascism, must necessarily take the form of someone at some point being allowed to expropriate the product of someone else’s labor against their will.”

“My New Year’s Gaming Resolution: Spend More Time Gaming On Consoles”

“It’s a unique position to be in, but how did Jensen Huang get here?”

“Ebon Moss-Bachrach perfectly captures the emotional journey in every movement – seeming completely comfortable in his two-piece suit after it being so alien to him just half-an-hour prior. It’s a journey of self-improvement that we can all relate to, regardless of where we are on that quest.”

Solid choice. (Don’t @ me)