Ben wants to play too! Unfortunately Lily and Callie get a bit of tunnel vision around each other.

MERCURY RETROGRADE is still present, but is unusually non-interactive, reducing its impact.  Although it does realign with the moon on Boxing Day, but I guess that’s in the spirit of that limey-ist of holidays.  And that’s literally it.  Enjoy!

Capricorn:  Queen of Swords reversed – Spinning around like a top.  Obviously this must be a reference to dancing, parties and merriment.

Aquarius:  6 of Coins – This card has a man in a red coat and hat giving away presents while holding a scales in his other hand (indicating judgments as to who is naughty or nice).  Interpretation is left as an exercise to the reader.

Pisces: Ace of Swords – You will receive toys (especially weapons, wargames, and vegetarian snacks).

Aries:  The Sun – Warmth, happiness. the child with a banner is a herald of the new year to come.

Taurus:  Strength reversed – gentleness, cats not biting.

Gemini:  4 of Coins reversed – another spinning like a top card, but this one also involves money.  Making it rain perhaps?

Cancer:  The High Priestess – A woman in blue (Mary!) wearing a cross and holding a Torah scroll (ecumenicalism!) on a background of split papayas (paging Dr. Freud!) and the Initials “BJ”(oh, come on now, that’s not even a euphemism!)

Leo:  2 of Swords reversed – Tranquility, peace, harmony, as if rowing on a still lake.

Virgo:  The Fool reversed – Partying as hard as humanly possible without suffering permanent injury.

Libra:  King of Swords – That line from “Pipa Passes” is appropriate here.

Scorpio:  Two of Coins reversed – Games, lots of games.  You’ll lose most of them but have un anyway.

Sagittarius:  5 of Wands reversed – as above, but with a particular emphasis on sports betting.

Yay! Ben, Angel and Queenie have some fun.

Since You People(tm) didn’t appreciate this in the AM Lynx, here it is for the weekenders. This may be the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.