Greetings from Atlanta, where I’m stuck for the weekend. Originally I had really been looking forward to this trip- if there’s anything I love, it’s Georgian food and wine. I could almost taste the pkhali, the khatchapuri, khinkali, the amazing Saperavis and Rkatsitelis… and then I got here and all I could find was Waffle House and fried chicken. I am incredibly disappointed.

Though I am not in a celebratory mood, others are, especially those with birthdays today. And that list includes a guy who went insane trying to paint Dalmatians; the man who inflicted billions of clown nightmares on children; a guy who was in control; a guy who managed to be in the middle of so many parts of jazz history; a guy who represented the worst of the Reagan era; yet another great argument for term limits; a cabinet chimp who has been delightfully ineffective; a woman who really should have said, “Et tu?”; one of the great world experts in solid state physics; and a guy making a pile for watching football games.

Links ensue.


This is totally about the science, not about grifting and politics.


Well, now we know why he wants to run for president. He’s not just a grifter, he’s a remarkably stupid grifter.


“You need to learn from our culture: surrender.”


Team Red tries to pick a loser. 


“He stands like a statue, becomes part of the machine.”


He made this statement from inside of a locker where he’d been shoved in.


One more reason for me to hate the UAW and wish for its ugly demise.


And the Old Man has been on a bop kick this weekend. This one appealed to me this morning.