Feel-good video of the day:


Venezuela raises stakes in border dispute, creates military zone to be carved out of Guyana

In what is likely to further inflame tensions in the hemisphere, Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro announced Tuesday the creation of a new military zone that would be in charge of defending an oil -and mineral-rich territory of neighboring Guyana that he’s claiming belongs to his nation.

Maduro also designated a general, Alexis Rodríguez Cabello, as the sole authority of the Essequibo, a chunk of land in Guyana slightly smaller than the state of Florida. He also ordered that the more than 125,000 Guyanese living in the area, which is mostly jungle, be granted Venezuelan citizenship.

The announcement comes after Maduro claimed that 98% of Venezuelans overwhelmingly approved on Sunday his annexation of a new state that accounts for three quarters of Guyana’s current land mass. While Guyana objected to the vote and called it illegal, international observers have questioned the election results. The government’s report of voter participation did not square with the empty voting stations seen during the day and was more than twice as high as that of independent exit polls.

Maduro announced the creation of the Guyana Integral Defense Zone, or ZODI, to be called Zodi Guayana Esequiba, with headquarters in Tumeremo, a town in Venezuela near the Essequibo region. The Essequibo is at the center of a centuries-old border dispute between the two countries that is currently before the United Nations International Court of Justice.

It is unclear how large the new military force to be based in Tumeremo would be, but Maduro indicated it’s the first of several steps he plans to take to execute the mandate he says he was given on Sunday to invade Guyana.

I have a solution, but almost no one is going to like it… raise the dead of Jonestown and form a Lazarus Corps to defend Guyana. Commies get the rope, or a helicopter ride, or are torn limb from limb with zombies in a Flavor Aid frenzy.


Look at this pure bullshit right here.


But they loved the Martin Prince dogshit that is My Dinner With Andre.