So I had a bit o’ the coof this week and since I’m a libertarian I took the responsibility to not spread it on myself.  However, a certain furball still needs exercise and mental stimulation, so I took her for walks when other people weren’t present.  Therefore, no wrestling vids.  A more placid look at my life here instead.


Lily likes to scout ahead, but doesn’t want to lose me. Therefore at forks or intersections, she waits for me to tell her which way we’re going.

This week is a pretty good one stellar-wise, and moreso if you’re one of those Seagoat types. The latter get a particular bonus to success in competitive endeavors by hosting both Mercury and Mars along with the Sun. For the rest of us, the stars recommend fidelity in relationships. If you’re going to break one, do it sometime during the alignment of Mercury and Venus which happens from Thursday through the end of the week. Though this is an even better time to start one if you’re single (the Sun is also involved, which is more of a birth/growth influence than an ending one).

She loves finding burrowing animals and digging them out. My yard is now devoid of chipmunks and groundhogs. I still see rabbits, but I assume they’re hopping over from somewhere else.

Capricorn: 3 of Wands – Feeling like a boss.

Aquarius: The Empress reversed – your go-to doesn’t pan out this week.

Pisces: People who owe you results are distracted.

Aries: The Hierophant – People will be less stupid and recalcitrant than usual.

Taurus: The Sun – Good times.

Gemini: The Emperor – sometimes you gotta smack a bitch.

Cancer: 5 of Wands – Games, fake fights, kayfabe, status-seeking.

Leo: 9 of Coins reversed – There is a danger of losing something valuable.

Virgo: 2 of Swords – Stand your ground.

Libra: 3 of Swords – Heartbreak.

Scorpio: The Devil reversed – Out of the frying pan, into the fire. But then out of the fire.

Sagittarius: 6 of Swords – Going somewhere new, but bringing along your problems.

I’m leaving the sound on for this one. Just crows and juncos.