I was going to write a small blurb about this for ¡Enlaces! earlier this week, but as it turns out I had more come to mind than a blurb.  Sorrey.

This is my review of Brewdog Practise What You Preach:

The talk of the alt-right/libertarian/AnCap online infotainment continuum last week was Javier Milei vs. The World Economic Forum.  On the off chance you were unaware, Milei was invited to speak at the WEF annual conference in Davos, Switzerland.  So he flew on a commercial flight and to everyone’s dismay called them all a bunch of dirty communists!

Okay, he was much more subtle than he normally is.  He probably doesn’t want to be assassinated during the first year he is in office.

Naturally, the response from the usual subjects was, “BASED,”  and “who needs Dave Smith when we have this guy, right?”

“No Mr. Bond. I expect you to eat the bugs. They’re delicious.”

At the risk of being called a tinfoil hat wearing weirdo, my theory on this is WEF invited him to do exactly that—call them out.  Keep in mind the conspiracy theories surrounding this group of dystopian SciFi overlords all are debunked on the idea they are operating in plain sight, therefore it cannot be a conspiracy, right?  In other words, this is all intentional on their part.  The guy that started this thing looks like a James Bond villain, dresses the part, and speaks with a thick German accent.  Marketing their “young leaders” program through Justin Trudeau, someone nobody takes seriously because he’s a weenie that shit himself in the mere presence of Xi Jinping.  If they were taking over the world wouldn’t they be less obvious about it and wouldn’t they use someone scarier than Trudeau to make their plots known to the English speaking world?

Well, thanks to our very own prodigal Glib (HELLYEAH GORD!) we know that Trudeau isn’t just some weenie.  He’s a Orwellian weenie drunk with power.

Which means the reason they brought Milei to speak was they were expecting him to call them all a bunch of communist assholes.  The soccer player turned economist and tantric sex advocate that refuses to comb his own hair while running around Buenos Aries with a chainsaw in an AnCap Avenger costume was going to say something so outlandish the conspiracy debunks itself because the messenger is a clown.  Thankfully it appears he merely stepped in, but did not get stuck in the trap.


I’ve had Brewdog before, but its a brewery out of Scotland so I don’t get a ton of selection from them.  This one does not disappoint and thankfully doesn’t have a long French name for me to type out.  Although, anyone that’s ever read Arthur Herman knows French-speaking Scots are not all that weird.  Its a high level Trappist ale, complete with the thick body, lacing on the glass, the lovely scent of dark fruit and light bitterness. Made with Scottish heather honey, its a wee bit sweeter than normal and Rare Beer Club actually makes the suggestion to pair this with Baklava (?) along with their usual suggestion of slow cooked meats.  I didn’t go that route but it paired well with the lamb shanks my sons and I devoured. Brewdog Practise What You Preach: 4.4/5