Well, one advantage of being snowed in is that we have a perfect excuse to drink. And two large bottles of my all-time favorite beer, courtesy of Spud. And a pile of fun movies, courtesy of Deadhead and SugarFree. I can deal with this.

And speaking of deals, birthdays today include the most memorable of all US presidents; arguably the greatest black female writer in America (and a deep thinker); the exception to the “Christ, what an asshole!” rule; a guy who foisted on us both a remarkably shitty novel and a remarkably shitty movie; a guy who rivaled Yoko Ono for ruining the most music; a guy whose presence in a movie means it will be wonderful or horrible, never anything in between; and a guy who’s spending today sitting it out.

News up.


I remain highly uncomfortable with Congress getting involved with the operations of private institutions. Maybe go after public ones instead? If any of this starts us toward ending taxpayer-funded grants, that would be an excellent fallout. Not likely, but a boy can dream.


Oh, honey, we’ve all seen the nude photos.


The only thing interesting about women’s basketball.


I remember when all this happened on Y2K night.


Welcome to MY life.


IOW, exactly like every other non-government workplace, but with an extra comma in the salaries.


“…and shoot Reagan, that’s something chicks find impressive.”


Yeah, this is a Mingus Morning chez Old Man.