The Snow Creature

Is is a rampaging Yeti, or a Northern Glib going out to check if the driveway needs shoveling?

The Snow Creature

Short Film:  Johnny Quest in Monster in the Monastery

I can change my mind.  The movie I was going to show was too depressing. Considering the snow storms, I figured The Snow Creature would be a better choice.

Government incompetence results in a wild Yeti on the loose! What could be more libertarian than snarking at government incompetence.  If this was modern times, in order to prevent heat stroke the Yeti would have to escape into the US via Canada.  I imagine a government representative would hand the confused Yeti a cell phone and a bus ticket.  Where would our Yeti go next?  Chicago?  New York? New Jersey?

This movie was written by Myles Wilder, who also wrote for Get Smart and the Dukes of Hazzard. It was directed by his dad, W. Lee Wilder. So it was a family effort. My observations:  The first half moves pretty slow.  It’s about 20 minutes in before you see a yeti. Prior to that it’s a lot of vintage camping in snow, which I still enjoyed. I agree with reviewers that the second half of the movie really got going and threw in some good plot twists.  If Myles had punched this up a bit and lost some of the camping footage, this film would have been a classic.  Clearly that lesson was learned by the time he wrote for Get Smart. Regardless the film is so short at 70 minutes that you may not even notice the excessive camping footage.

Because this film is so short I threw in a related Johnny Quest episode, Monster in the Monastery.  Which is also about Yetis. Because Yetis are cool, and Johnny Quest is a classic. So watch!  Or don’t!  Everything is voluntary until you get snowed in by climate change! Next week, Night Feeder.  It is high schlock, guaranteed to be better than anything Disney is putting out lately.

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(h/t: The Hyperbole)

About The Author


Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Ted S.

    N-N-N-Night Feeder, Night Feeder,
    We know how to do it.

    • R.J.

      There is movement all around
      There is something goin’ down
      And I can feel it
      On the waves of the air
      There is murder out there
      If it’s somethin’ we can share
      We can stab it

      Gimme that Night Feeder, Night Feeder!

  2. Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

    I like British nurses.

    • R.J.

      So did Benny Hill.

        • Tres Cool

          My nomination for one of the best Benny Hill.

          • Fourscore

            Over 50 years old and still as funny as ever.

          • DrOtto

            I remember as a kid hearing about Benny Hill dying of a marijuana overdose. Then several years later realizing he was still alive. Ah, to be young and stupid.

          • Fatty Bolger


        • R.J.

          Animaniacs! The daughter likes them almost as much as Bugs Bunny.

  3. DEG

    I will queue this up for later viewing. Thanks RJ!

    • R.J.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Aloysious

    Rated G?

    Heh. This should be fun.

    • Aloysious

      The airplane didn’t lose any superfluous doors.

    • R.J.

      I think the Johnny Quest ranks higher at a PG.

  5. R.J.

    Yeti / Irate Glib at 12:00, dropping snow rocks on hapless campers.

    • Aloysious

      Is this a STEVE SMITH training video? Girl-napping wimminz, bonking heads with rocks… what’s next, dare I ask.

      • Aloysious

        My mistake. Yeti just wanted to play soccer.

        • R.J.

          So it’s a European Yeti…

  6. Aloysious

    Never go in the cave.

    • R.J.



  7. Fourscore

    The Snow Critters visit me every day, to check to see if I’ve put out their breakfast/dinner. The deer are afraid of the turkeys because the turkeys are out of control and have no leadership, totally disorganized. The deer understand that the alpha doe is the queen and she’s kicking the butt of the lesser does and fawns.

    We don’t have much snow so the real Snow Creatures have had to travel south to do any terrorizing.

    • R.J.

      “… the turkeys are out of control and have no leadership, totally disorganized.”

      Anarcho-Libertarian turkeys?

    • rhywun

      I was reminded that I don’t live in the big city anymore when I was Ubering home a couple nights ago and there were two deer moseying down the opposite lane – and this in a fairly well-populated area.

      • UnCivilServant

        You went to Ithaca right? Ithaca has a whitetail infestation because the locals won’t allow any culling of the antlered rats. So the deer congregate in the urban area, where they’re not going to be attacked.

        • rhywun

          Some interesting, possibly outdated, info here.

          There is deer culling in all the towns outside the city but PETA types of course have ridiculous opinions on it.

          The text of the lawsuit states that these residents are taking legal action because they will “experience a diminished opportunity to observe the deer that live in or migrate in and out of Cayuga Heights” and “will suffer emotional distress and psychological injury upon viewing, hearing, or being informed of, the capture and killing of deer in Cayuga Heights.”

          But cooler heads seem to be prevailing.

          the concentration of deer in Cayuga Heights would appear to be at least twice the density in the rest of the town [of Ithaca].

          “Deer aren’t stupid,” said Joule. “They move to where there is no hunting.”


          FYI Cayuga Heights is the fancy suburb where all the Cornell profs live.

        • rhywun

          WTF I typed a reply and it didn’t take and there was no error.

          TL;DR there is deer culling everywhere except the city and the fancy suburb to the north where all the Cornell profs live.

          • UnCivilServant

            Isn’t that what I said?

            • rhywun

              By “locals” I did not know specifically to whom you were referring.

              I wasn’t in the city when I saw them. I was a bit outside.

              • UnCivilServant

                Okay, I meant the Cornell folks and their like-minded ilk.

              • rhywun

                This quote I found is top-shelf derp:

                The text of the lawsuit [against culling in Cayuga Heights, where those profs live] states that these residents are taking legal action because they will “experience a diminished opportunity to observe the deer that live in or migrate in and out of Cayuga Heights” and “will suffer emotional distress and psychological injury upon viewing, hearing, or being informed of, the capture and killing of deer in Cayuga Heights.”

                Not linking since the article was from 2011.

  8. Aloysious

    Never split the party.

  9. UnCivilServant

    why does turbo tax make its product worse every year?

    That’s not a joke about my taxes going up, it’s a complaint about their ever worstening UI and the account mandate that doesn’t help.

    And no, I will not buy a subscription.

      • R.J.

        Are you otherwise pleased with your move?

        • trshmnstr the terrible

          Yep, very much so. The house is good for what we needed and wanted. The land is well suited for homesteading. Our location is close to town but far enough away for it not to encroach. Most of the hustle and bustle is gone. Most of the pretense and flaunting of wealth is gone. It’s a genuine answer to prayer in many ways.

          I think the only things we would change if given a magic wand would be to move 15 or 20 miles closer to Springfield and add another 10 or 15 (or 50) acres.

    • Fourscore

      Hmmmm, haven’t bought this year’s copy. Always had good luck, even I can figure the thing out.

      • UnCivilServant

        It hasn’t driven me away, but I’m unhappy with the changes. They’re wasting more screen real estate.

        • Fourscore

          Pretty much everything is the same on mine from year to year, other than the numbers change a little.

      • R.J.

        You should claim the Anarcho-Libertarian turkeys as dependents and maximize your deductions.

        • Fourscore

          I’m not sure how many “dependents” I have, they tend to a loosely unknit community. OTOH I could invite one in for dinner on occasion, making that one the guest of honor, so to speak.

          • R.J.

            An excellent cost-saving measure!

    • Mojeaux

      I have never had to make an account with Inuit to use TurboTax.

      Unless you mean the free online version… I don’t have an account, but both my kids do.

      • UnCivilServant

        This year’s wouldn’t let me continue without putting in account information.

        And I use a paid version.

        • Mojeaux

          Hm. That’s disconcerting.

          • UnCivilServant

            I hope whichever version of the many iterations you use doesn’t pull the same shenanigans.

  10. R.J.

    Yeti in the Big City. They are searching the sewers. Why do they always search the sewers?

    • Fourscore

      Because the tunnels are getting plugged up?

  11. Aloysious

    If the house is a rockin’, don’t come knockin’.

    • R.J.

      “1-Adam 12, there is a gathering of people weeping and limping as if in rectal distress. Suspect is a Yeti, 8 foot tall with a prominent erection…”

      • Aloysious

        Maybe Yeti is a primitive worshiper of Priapus.

  12. whiz

    My poker tournament ended early, so a little preview of our forthcoming weather seems appropriate. *Hits play*

  13. UnCivilServant

    On another monitor, I’m watching “Charlie Chan’s Secret” from 1936, and a detail is bugging me. In the normal part of the scene, he finds a screw much less patinated than the light fixture it was in, gets out a multitool/swiss army knife/whatever you want to call it, and unscrews the screw. For whatever reason, the writer has him stop between taking the multitool out of his pocket and before undoing th screw to explain to the other people that he’s carrying “a boy scout knife”. Why? Was that style of tool such a novelty in 1936? I wouldn’t bat an eye at the idea that someone was carrying such a tool. He didn’t have any need to explain that he was also carrying the revolver that he pulls out later in the same scene, why belabor the point of the pocket knife that plays no future role in the plot?

    • R.J.

      In 1936 that would have been pretty novel. It did not become popular with the public at large until well into WWII. Also that could have been clever paid advertising.

      • Gender Traitor

        Product pracement?

  14. hayeksplosives

    While I was busy generating neutrons, it started snowing in Everett WA. I didn’t notice.

    When I left just a few minutes ago, it was dark and there is now an 1/8” thick layer of ice over all paved surfaces. I wiped out on my short walk to the Uber.

    Might work from home tomorrow!!

    • Chafed

      Sorry you wiped out. Why aren’t you driving yourself to and from work?

      • hayeksplosives

        6 months no driving after the seizure.

        • Chafed

          I think I missed that HS. Shouldn’t the boyfriend be chauffeuring you? 😉

          • slumbrew

            He’s not local.

            I’m not sure he’d survive the loss of his precious bodily fluids if he was.

    • R.J.

      Hope you didn’t pull anything. Stay home, watch B movies. Oh wait, that’s what I do.

      • hayeksplosives


    • Fourscore

      Oh my! Be careful, the consequences can be devastating. I know.

      • hayeksplosives

        I will take it more slowly tomorrow. I don’t need any more damage to this poor body. 😊

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Yeah, I have done that on my back steps before. Sucks, big time, and only gets worse with age.

      So, the wife bought me Yaktrax!

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah I managed to destroy my right ankle at age 31 on a perfectly dry set of concrete steps!!

        Had a lot of surgeries since then, but it is still attached 👍

  15. Chafed

    I can’t see Johnny Quest through my eyes as a kid since seeing it skewered by The Venture Brothers.

    • R.J.

      It still holds up. One irritating thing, the guns fire endless ammo. If you can get over that it’s great. One of the few cartoons where people died.

      • Chafed

        I completely forgot people died. The endless bullets were a product of the time.

    • Ted S.

      And I actually have Monday off! 🙂

  16. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Attention Men: Your UNjected Wife is Waiting!”

    Well I’ll be, they’ll monetize anything…paranoid me who’s way less paranoid than the average Zerohedger says this would be a good way to get a lot of information on uncooperative people so I don’t know if this’ll work.

    • Sean

      I don’t want anything to do with things aligned with the UN.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah, that was funny too-they need to rethink their capitalization scheme.

  17. Beau Knott

    Good morning all!
    My comments to the Weather Gods: Ween. Mildly NSFW

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Beau, Stinky, Sean, and Ted’S.

        • Gender Traitor

          Good morning, U! How’s it going?

          • UnCivilServant

            While I would have preferred to sleep in, I woke up on time. I made it to the office with few red lights and little traffic. I have my caffiene and my breakfast, and I’m avoiding thinking about the workday, because it doesn’t start for another seventeen minutes.

            • Gender Traitor

              The local weather radar claims it’s snowing, but I can’t see anything out the window. My fondest hope this morning is that I can make it to the office before the rain starts in earnest.

              • Gender Traitor

                Well, phooey – there it goes. I guess I should have left earlier.

  18. Ghostpatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie! Still above the water line?

      • Ghostpatzer

        Mornin’. Should be interesting. We have more issues in the summer when tstorms produce 2″ of rain in an hour, the brook behind my house can’t handle that. Hackensack River (1/2 mile down the road) may be a problem, it crested at about 6.2 ft earlier this week (flirting with major flooding), and another 2″ of rain tonight won’t be good. At least we’re not by the Passaic, those poor bastards are already underwater with more rain to come.

        • UnCivilServant

          Have you thought about installing floatation pontoons in place of your foundation?

          • Ghostpatzer

            Flotation pontoons? That’s Q’s department.

            • UnCivilServant

              I didn’t think he had that many empty 55-gallon drums.

  19. Rat on a train

    People occasionally enter phases where they almost exclusively listen to one band. My wife has entered an ABBA phase.

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m so very sorry. Good headphones or earphones are one important key to a happy marriage.

      • Ghostpatzer

        This. Noise-cancelling headphones FTW.

    • UnCivilServant

      I can name… two? ABBA songs

    • Fatty Bolger

      Mamma Mia!

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Once again, the mall is my Waterloo.