My weekend was busy again.  Since it was my mom’s birthday my Saturday was more or less shot and I spent Sunday making chicken wings, brats, and cheese that’s not yours (you know, nacho cheese) after I got home from the gym.

I fell asleep in the second quarter.  That’s the real psy-op, all that hype for such a boring ass game.



It has been argued by, well me, that Mexico’s recession is indicative of the one they covered up here.  At least they aren’t stupid enough to dump money they don’t have into solar panels.

I got it, lets make them arm wrestle.

I got about a paragraph in and then I realized this is The Conversation.  I saw it, now you have to.  Them be the rules.

ExxonMobil to explore in the disputed area between Venezuela and Guyana.  Elsewhere in Venezuela…we captured a plane.


A nice puff piece on Milei, who I really hope called the Pope a parasite to his face.

Elsewhere in Argentina, they are embracing stablecoins.  For those unaware, a stablecoin is a blockchain that is pegged to a fiat currency, that in effect allows transfers via blockchain in a currency that doesn’t necessarily need to be converted back to fiat since in theory it is worth the same as the pegged fiat currency.  Yes, typically that currency is the US Dollar.  Which makes sense if the plan is to “Dollarize” the Argentine economy.


Here’s a tune. Have a great Tuesday!