I mean, don’t get me wrong.

Sixty degrees today here in Spudsville with a bright, blue sky. We are hurting for precipitation at this point, but I ain’t complaining. March will just have to save us again.


Anyone for some warm, toasty links?


Can you imagine the uproar if Texas said “we’re keeping the oil”?


Because they’re carefree when it comes to dental hygiene, the hazards of tobacco, and a cholesterol filled diet?


They did not stick the landing.


“Here’s your meat.”


Buffet is clearly too old to still be in charge.


I’m trying to work up my shocked face, but it isn’t happening. Ready the chippers.




Time for a patio cocktail. Enjoy your evening!

I didn’t realize Steve Harwell lived in Boise. He drank himself to death last year.