Good morning, all you wonderful Glibs. If you wonder why you haven’t seen me around in a while, its because my youngest gets up at 4:30 in the morning (since the time change) and I have been a zombie for months. Just this week he’s moved to getting up at 5:15 and its like an extra two hours of sleep. I almost approach feeling human. Sloopy and Banjos are busy doing something today and tomorrow, so we’ll have special guest stars Glibs fill in.

This showed up from a wayback article — Marlon Brando, Photoshop geek and troll.

“Marlon was a closet geek. Well, not even in the closet — he was big into it,” Billups explained. “He was an ace with Photoshop. He would take people’s pictures and put them in places they never were. He’d say, ‘Remember when we were in so-and-so?’ and you’d see people trying to remember that situation.”

I hope the apology was “I’m sorry your children have such worthless parents” – Zuck Sucks Up at Pedo Hearing.

Just remember, everything in the Middle East is Trump’s fault. Pay no attention to the roles Bill and Hillary Clinton played in helping fuck up the place.

“Diplomatic Immunity” — Consul’s kid runs over motorcycle cop.

She seems nice. Not sure how she gets close enough to drug them without an air rifle, but everyone is someone’s type.


Have some 90s throwback music to get you started.