The Steelers are cleaning house. I see a move for Justin Fields on the horizon.  And Champions League soccer is back as the Round of 16 matches get going today.  But that’s pretty much it for sports. So on to…the links!

Working overtime

Printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrr. Seriously, fuck these guys.  Also, can somebody tell me when Article I, Sec 7 of the Constitution died? Because it sure sounds like revenue will need to be raised for this monstrosity.

If at first you don’t succeed… This asshole should have been forced out more than a year ago. But I’m sure this will fail again. Not that the Senate will do the right thing anyway.

The Circus is coming to Atlanta! That hearing on Thursday is gonna be wild, I think. Or at least the aftermath will be.

Let ’em eat!

Tackling the serious problems. Wait, don’t a lot of those low-water washing machines require use of the pods? Oh well, fuck those people, right New York?

Freedom of religion! Oh wait, Crystal Methodist isn’t a real thing.  Then he’s probably screwed.

If at first you don’t succeed (part 2)… These idiots won’t stop until they control every aspect of everybody’s lives.

Oh, this is just great. Especially since the NLRB will rubber stamp their demands and force airlines to raise rates, which will fuck everybody else over.

Are they still saying the motive is a mystery? Or are they ready to admit this person is fucking crazy? It’s way past time to open the asylums back up.

Have a listen to this smooth tune. Ah, that’s nice. So is this one. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Fat Tuesday, dear friends.