I was going to throw this one out last week but the VA story would’ve gotten stale if I waited…and so…
This is my review of Brouerij Fort Lapin Bruges La Morte:
Do you hear voices in your head? Hey! Where are you going? I’m serious.
Apparently for some people, this is weird and there isn’t anything going on in there so to speak. Yes, I am referring to “inner monologue.” Apparently half the population doesn’t have one and it makes absolutely no sense to me. Here is a video interview of someone that apparently doesn’t have one.
At first I had to question whether or not the people answering they don’t have one actually do, but don’t understand the idea in the same way as one answering in the affirmative. The problem with that is those of us that do, tend to let the voices in our heads take over:
We’re constantly engaging in internal chatter. Our verbal stream of thought is so active that we internally talk to ourselves at a rate equivalent to speaking 4,000 words per minute out loud. That’s more than 300 State of the Union addresses every single day.

Do it.
I suppose if like me, you’re constantly weighing different and often conflicting ideas at the same time like the joke in Animal House. If the number is 4000 words per minute, it stands to reason people without it understand what it is relative to 0. Of course when I came across this last week the peanut gallery on social media immediately came to the conclusion those without an inner monologue are the NPCs.
An understandable position, in my opinion. I am actually writing this out while listening to Michael Malice’s podcast, tuning it in and out, and mapping out the next sentence in my head before I write it out. I tend to have trouble sleeping if I get something in my head, often getting back up to read just to get the idea out of my head. So if one cannot ruminate on an idea on their own, they might not be smart enough to be their own person, therefore NPC. This isn’t really true however, as different people have different spatial abilities. For example, I taught my kids simple math on an abacus. My oldest when he was 3 got to the point where I showed him the flashcard with a simple math problem and watched him solve the problem by using an abacus entirely within his head—to the point he was pushing and counting imaginary beads with his hands. He is now over a year ahead of where I was in high school math. A conversation with him however, often includes almost painfully awkward silences while he comes up with a response.
Having absolutely nothing at all, makes no sense to me.
Another rare beer club exclusive, this one is an actual tripel from Belgium. Although it was made in a traditional manner there are a few things with it at are not particularly traditional. Its the banana thing with the yeast again, like German wheat beers that threw me off a bit. Its not so prevalent that its the only thing I noticed but it was something that I can pick out when I took a whiff. Dry hopped nicely, maybe a bit bready but overall I’d buy it again should it appear on a shelf. Brouerij Fort Lapin Bruges La Morte: 3.9/5 8% ABV
“Brouerij Fort Lapin Bruges La Morte”
That just sounds way to fancy.
I make that mistake all the time.
Strong Rabbit Bruges Death Brewery?
I just want a normal beer for a normal person.
Here you go.
Lol. Straight out of Repo Man.
Beer for Humans.
I should have seen that coming.
I was trying to help! One time when I was checking out, the cashier joked about who else beer could be for. He didn’t believe me when I told him that beer for dogs was a thing (from memory hops are toxic to dogs, so regular beer isn’t the best for them).
I’m not going to lie. That didn’t stop me from occasionally sharing with my late best friend.
one gay beer please
(hefty rabbit? loud rabbit?)
Duck Rabbit?
Its too fancy for you.
I haven’t delved into it, but I’ve sometimes wondered if an “inner monologue” or lack thereof is related to whether one tends to be an introvert or an extrovert. If there’s no verbalization in your head, would you feel that much more need to seek it from others? That would certainly explain why extroverts are so damned exhausting./introvert from an entire family of introverts.
I can’t comprehend not having that inner voice.
I have a much better idea of having a 100% monologue than having a 0% one. I can’t really wrap my head around that. I don’t think it’s good to get to close to that 100%. Silent meditation or “doing meditation” are healthy for one’s brain to get a rest.
Introvert here and apparently I don’t have an inner monologue. I didn’t realize until today that this is a thing. I can talk to myself but it’s not something constantly running inside me at me.
What do you think in then?
React to stimuli, unfocused day dreaming, more “direct” thinking without a verbalizing part, I guess. Really, I didn’t realize there was something missing. I’ve always known I’ve had a weird memory for trivial (and not so trivial) stuff. Just being able to recall something or remembering something about it and being to look it up again. Drill sergeants in basic liked to have fun until I got stumped and then it was start pushing.
My wife says regularly I live in my head because I think through my answers first rather than responding. I think I’m just responding to what she’s asking or saying, it’s just not the answer that she was expecting.
Now I have an inner monologue about those strange people who have no inner monologues.
I’d guess I have one going about 75% of the time. I don’t have one when hurtling down a mountain at high speed on skis or a bike. I don’t have one when concentrating on shooting or playing music. That’s actually one of the reasons I like those things so much as they eliminate most everything and mostly give a zen-like state.
At times like that, I usually wind up getting a song stuck in my head.
I listen to music for a large percentage of my waking hours. Part of it is for that reason, as it can help quiet the inner monologue. The other reason (besides being a huge music lover) is that it hides tinnitus. Right now because of this article I have this one in my head. Time to go get shit done.
Probably better than trying to use Voices in My Head to drown it out. 🙂
Yeah, when I need to block out the noise and distractions, that’s when the music goes loud.
“Do you hear the Voices Too?”
A voice inside your head says, “Don’t look back”; you can never look back?
You should save that until the end of summer.
I have one constantly. Like UCS, I don’t ‘get’ not having ‘it.’
THIS. Devil’s Hands. Idle Ev. Driving and other activities are great, cuz I do have to ‘think’ on ’em. Then, happy stimulus-reaction time. Busy brain, Happy Ev. Or at least content. Busy. Busy is good. Wicked things come from inside when my brain has time to ruminate. It’s like drumming or baseball, etc for me: Practice so ya know what you’re doing and the ‘idea,’ then the freedom to react with and to the other musicians, while also providing a framework to not get lost in.
I lose myself constantly. Spiraling down is a journey with no end. At least every step IS one: Forward progress preferred, other routes provide learning experience. Bouncing up can be made fun.
My inner self says Yes! to that fine looking Belgian
I’d give it a go, but the banana ester yeast sounds like not the best idea.
Our verbal stream of thought is so active that we internally talk to ourselves at a rate equivalent to speaking 4,000 words per minute out loud.
This strikes me as one of those “we attached a number to our bullshit to make it sound more sciency” statistics. Don’t get me wrong, my inner monologue goes faster than my spoken words, but I highly doubt they came up with a legitimate way to get to that number.
Must have sciency explanation for things we do that we want to know if anybody else does.
You’re right. I’m willing to bet their method of measurement is suspect and they have too small a sample size for statistical significance. I’m also willing to bet there is wide variation among people with an inner monolog.
One of the links describes the methodology in the study that brought this about in the 90’s. Its basically an alarm goes off and the test subject writes about what they are thinking on a notepad.
Suspicion confirmed.
66 words per second? Bullshit.
I’ve definitely got one running a lot of the time, but not every waking second. I doubt any fully functional person never ever has one.
I’ve been to Bruges. It was lovely.
It’s so funny I come here for respite from my inner monologue, digging up old bones and cringing, to ask if anybody else does this, and come here to find a piece on … inner monologues.
Anybody else churn and burn through shit you did when you were 20ish and cringe? I’m just happy there was no internet.
Night is when the old regrets come out to haunt me.
NightAnytime I’m conscious is when the old regrets come out to haunt me.*nods sadly*
Yeah, at some point many-to-most days, something bubbles up.
I have few regrets and none that really haunt me. I attribute that to my habit of, throughout my life, making sure that all my sins were sins of commission, not sins of omission. When I’m about to shuffle off the mortal coil, I don’t want to have to look back and think, “damn, I wish I’d done that.” I’d rather think “I probably shouldn’t have done that, but boy, was it fun at the time.”
I find it just as easy to regret what I’ve done as what I’ve not done. It makes no sense to me to regret decisions not to, but not decisions to.
Mine are all of the “what if I had done this instead of that” type. Intellectually of course it is wasting brain cells but I can’t help it.
My regrets tend to be things that I have said.
May be why I talk less and less to strangers with each passing year.
I’m w UCS w myself haunting me, but w Animal about regrets.
I’ve certainly said things I regret. I’ve NOT done things I semi-regret. Other than stupidity/ignorance, which is part of existence, I’ve never *done* anything I regret. Upset about being caught, sure. But even w those transgressions, I don’t feel I morally did anything wrong. I guess a bit of sometimes-corporate stolen money I’ve skimmed. I am upset with myself, but I wouldn’t say I regret it. I learned from it, though I didn’t get caught. (It purposefully wasn’t big enough to be noticed.)
I do that from time to time
Second time this week you’ve mentioned buried bones. Now I’m really worried.
Oh, it’s not that deep. Making a fool of myself over a dude. Hurting someone’s feelings over not very much. Stuff like that.
Now if I hurt someone’s feelings, I usually set out to do it, so no regrets there.
Yes. People say they have no regrets because it made them who they are.
I can write a book about my regrets.
I have regrets because of who I am.
This seems apropos.
Oh yeah…the inner voice is constant. But it’s usually a dialogue, not a monologue. Although I supposed both “voices” are me, so I guess it’s a dialectic monologue? Or a monologous dialogue?
Monolectic dialogue?
Sometimes I’ll answer the voices in me head verbally, and it becomes a Trialogue.
dialectic monologue
Album title?
Grant proposal title.
I have names for five of my characters, distinct enough in spoken/thought/written monologues to have names:
‘Evan’ is the overarching entity of Evan.
[My last name] is what Evan calls himself out loud as a General to a Soldier. (<– Soldier's been two gf's nicknames for me, unknowing of the prior.)
'Short Fry' is my elementary, competitive and base nature. (That comes up in my submission!)
'Knave' is my Red Devil. He's the rogue explorer. This one is my general personality. He needs temperament, but is mostly sound, though bold.
'Nicole' is my bro's name scrambled, like Knave: White Saint, a teacher who emphasizes patient logic.
They wrestle. They all win certain bouts. Some have to be overcome by others, not always Nicole or Evan. Each has their place.
Speaking of Belgian brewskis, today is Orval Day (not to be confused with the intrepid pilot who had the Wright Stuff).
It is. One of the local chains (the Winking Lizard) celebrates it each year. They even get their hands on the Oud Orval to pour as well.
*Homer drool*
Also intrepid and had the right stuff
Probably the Orval that most people know.
So….how often does that get stuck in your head, mexi?
Anytime I find a CBC link.
Didn’t read link, but pretty sure it goes back to the same midwit dialog re: “What do you mean how would I feel if I didn’t have breakfast – I had breakfast.”
Good luck getting to “Sanctuary” LCDR. Before 9/11 we had to check service records to ensure anybody going on orders for active duty for over 29 days could not reach sanctuary, or even get close to it. After 9/11 and the Iraq War started the Army had no fucks to give about the issue until 2010ish when they started cracking back down.
I recall the magic number was 18 AFS and not 16, but things could have changed since I retired. The active services hate the program because when you hit the status you are transferred from the Reserves component to the active component and people end up impacting promotion boards, end strength, etc. I knew one Major General in the USAR who kept his status close to the vest until he dropped his paperwork at 18y 1m. The Army was pissed but the regs were the regs.
Again, good luck. Not having to wait for decades in the gray zone before collecting retirement can help you plan career two.
Thanks. Honestly, I’m not that worried about Sanctuary…I just really wanted 3 years on orders in Japan. That said I’ll settle for a year in Singapore if I can get it followed by maybe 6 months in Japan on ADOS. Just want to try and do a couple more things before I finally put in the retirement paperwork. Doesn’t make much sense for me to look for a civilian position over there until after I retire due to the limited reserve units in country, etc.
PACFLEET and USINDOPACOM has decent pots of ADOS $$ as well. Plus JTF-Red Hill has moved into the inspection and shut down phase so that might be in your wheelhouse as well.
I know, I keep checking the listed billets. I saw the Red Hill ones posted too. I’m going to try and get confirmation, but a lot of ones may have been pending funding until the budget was passed. Really hope the ones advertised for Oct 1 don’t require an FY25 budget.
In response to Rhywun’s comment on the dead thread about being surprised adultery is legal anywhere:
I have a difficult time thinking of a more tyrannical power to hand any government than those POS deciding who consenting adults can have sex with. My vehemence there might have something to do with the looong time it took to get my ex to agree to a divorce – imagine the nastiness of divorces if a vindictive aggrieved party could get the other party locked up for having sex while they drag it out for a decade or so.
Short version if the squirrels let me post: One part of the argument in my understanding is that with a legal tradition built in a historically Christian culture (like Common Law), it’s derived from I Corinthians 7, which says “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise the husband also does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.” so a law outlawing adultery is a recognition of that authority.
left off the verse (4), sorry
Yeah, I don’t see adultery as a criminal matter, but as a civil matter.
Yep – it is a contractual dispute.
Is it retroactive? Statute of Limitations?
In the bad old days, all sex outside of marriage was a crime. Sex with someone not your spouse was a crime an additional crime. Taking money for having sex outside of marriage was a crime. Paying someone to have sex outside of marriage was a crime.
They eventually removed laws criminalizing sex sex outside of marriage, but left adultery and prostitution laws on the books. Sodomy is still illegal in many places as well.
I wish that dude in my head would shut the hell up now and then. He can be a real asshole and has his own agenda.
Just wait until he starts conspiring against you with neuralink.
“Every time I think of Raquel Welch, my garage door opens and closes.”
This was a bug. At first a bug, but after discussing it with the marketing team. the engineers decided this would become a feature.
These euphemisms are getting positively cybernetic.
I often joke with Mrs. Dean that the R C in her head is a real asshole.
I’m surprised nobody’s made the obvious joke about the RC outside her head. 😛
That’s a win-win, all the way, right?
There’s fear among global automakers that Chinese rivals like the Warren Buffett-backed BYD could flood their markets, undercutting domestic production and vehicle prices to the detriment of their own auto industries.
“The introduction of cheap Chinese autos — which are so inexpensive because they are backed with the power and funding of the Chinese government — to the American market could end up being an extinction-level event for the U.S. auto sector,” the Alliance for American Manufacturing, a U.S. manufacturing advocacy group, said in a report last month.
Affordable planet-saving electric cars which will kill off kkkapitalist American polluters! Where’s the downside?
Sounds like it would be a real bloodbath.
Gosh, the Big Three going under 15 years after they should have? Quelle disastre!
I take all financial reporting from China with a grain of salt.
My inner dialogue really gets chatty when I’m trying to sleep. I wish it would shut up
“We are very concerned about China bigfooting our industry in the United States even as we are building up now this incredible backbone of manufacturing,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said March 6 during a discussion panel at an Axios event.
And by “bigfoot” mean bloody violent assrape.
hahahahahahaha! *breathes* hahahahahahah!
I’m with you, my inner dialogue is nonstop, I’m usually rehearsing speeches to no one. When I play hockey I often say that inner dialogue out loud. Constantly talking to myself. But when I draw or paint, the dialogue stops or might be a mix of visuals and words. Like “ok that arm looks like (imagines shape)”.
Your inner monologue is Bob Ross? This raises more questions than answers.
If only it were true. But I did watch a lot of those shows growing up.
The dialogue stops when I ski or shoot guns.
It’s being polite. It knows your busy.
Aaaaaah! Autocorrect is the devil!
Maybe it’s the reason I run the TV all day – I live alone and the constant yapping to myself would probably drive me nuts.
I’m a good listener, to the voices. It keeps me sane.
I have all the political arguments with people I don’t know that I won’t have in real life.
Oh yeah. That’s a common one.
Timepiece update: after charging the shit out of it, I couldn’t get it to set to the right time. It wasn’t receiving a GPS signal. Then, just now, it did, and all is well with the watch, if not the world.
This is good. Also GPS charging is super-double-monocle-fancy.
I should just stop typing today.
It charges via solar, but sets the time via GPS
See above. Thoughts and fingers are not working in unison.
So just 24 hours to go?
Six billion here, six billion there
By as soon as May, more than 23 million US households risk being kicked off their internet plans or facing skyrocketing bills that force them to pay hundreds more per year to get online, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
The looming disaster could affect nearly 1 in 5 households nationwide, or nearly 60 million Americans, going by Census Bureau population estimates.
The crisis is linked to a critical government program expected to run out of funding at the end of April. Known as the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), the benefit provides discounts on internet service valued at up to $30 per month to qualifying low-income households, or up to $75 per month for eligible recipients on tribal lands.
Lawmakers have known for months about the approaching deadline. Yet Congress is nowhere close to approving the $6 billion that President Joe Biden says would renew the ACP and avert calamity for tens of millions of Americans.
How many more will suffer needlessly before the Republicans end their grotesque attack on honest hard working American web surfers?
Skyrocketing bills
Looming disaster
What a bizarre world the CNNite inhabits.
This is such bullshit. There used to be much less expensive plans. When the government started subsidizing the plans, the subscription rate rose to match the subsidized amount.
But there is growing evidence that money spent through the ACP ends up saving taxpayers in the long run. In a recent study, Levin said, researchers estimated that every $1 of ACP spending increases US GDP by $3.89, while other research has outlined how telemedicine can lead to substantial savings in health care.
According to my model, we can’t afford not to!
Assume a spherical planet full of creatures whose lot is fixed at birth.
Well, the bad news is that my hometown/alma mater team didn’t make it past the second round of March Madness. 😞
The good news is that I don’t have to watch any more basketball.
Why? Was Duke eliminated?
I didn’t live for that long in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area, but I did live there long enough to learn to hate Duke and Coach K.
Never lived anywhere near NC. The only team I cared about in MM this year was the U of Dayton Flyers, who came from behind to beat Nevada on Thursday but…never came from behind AZ today. Oh well! It was good that they even made it in.
I watched Cornell lose in the first round of some sort of tournament of losers. I didn’t go there but I live there now so I figured I’d check it out.
Just finished transcribing an interview/story Dad did on a ‘backwards speller’ in rural KY. One of many stories he’s working on for a new project. He thinks this dude should be the lead, and there just ain’t enough *story* there. I think he should do vignettes/sketches and make a play that way, instead of the drama(?) he imagines. I actually think, with his and my stories, we could actually pull something interesting off. I haven’t mentioned the Me bit of it yet, though I have many stories to tell and told.
Hrmdinger. Good Blues v Wild game earlier. Birdcage is on, w Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Hank Azaria, Gene Hackman + now. Should get many interesting things ahead for tomorrow and beyond.
I am intrigued by my new ADHD meds. They are revelatory, yet new terrain. It’s quite interesting. Now that I’ve accomplished something today, it feels ‘unnatural’ resting. Hrm-dinger-e-dee.
I recently had my mango tree trimmed so get the branches from over my roof and my neighbors yard gone because this year is shaping to be mango bountiful. (My roof could take 100’s of 1lb whacks from overripe mangoes.) After filling eight green bins I once again have a path into the backyard and only a cube 6ft X 8ft X 10ft to go.
I decided to torture myself when I asked the trimmer “What would this cost if I hauled the green waste?” and the quote dropped in half.
The good news is the remaining tree did not shed the mangoes and I’ll still probably get several hundred fruits this summer.
Peel mango, cut into chunks, removing pit.
Put chunks in blender, adding copious amounts of Sailor Jerry and enough ice to chill.
Blend until smooth.
Is that from a British Navy drinking guide?
A variation is to freeze the mango chunks then add rum and blend.
Frozen mango chunks are also a good snack. You can just eat them out of the bag. Since there is significant fiber, they remain relatively soft.
“I tend to have trouble sleeping if I get something in my head, often getting back up to read just to get the idea out of my head.” *Knowing nod from across the way*
It’s monstrously hard to find sleep. Better last night, but always a bit of a gamble. Thoughts then bounce off or mutate with another. Then Managing Editor Ev takes over and edits and edits. Til I get blind eyes. Then I keep it up as Editor gets however jambled, leading to frustration at not being able to cohere, and… rinse/repeat. This can amplify things in interesting directions.
My Vyvnase isn’t in and that’d be new. I’m quite curious. I do have pills, ‘generically’ named Amphetamine Salts (20mg). Theoretically, twice a day. I’m taking 10mg once, and rarely like today, the whole 20mg. I’m still figuring it out, but I had that legit moment of “Is this really now “NORMAL” people feel?! They actually can FOCUS?!” I always suspect, half(?)-accurately, placebo is involved to some extent. Just typing this has already intensified such.
Re: Beer and constantly amok thoughts: Speaking of beer: I get Athletic non-alcoholic here at Kroger. Their wheat is quite similar to Upland Brewery’s. That was my favorite ’round here, but I’m not an American connoisseur. That and Athletic’s IPA aren’t bad. Lagunitas has one that’s good-ish and a few other national ones. Anyone have any preferences? I’m in central IN, and certainly ain’t gonna ship anything in. Yay, for ultra-rich Carmel, where I/we don’t really belong. My parents *cough* Mom *cough* was careful with our finances. Fucking double-Grand Slam for them w kids. I’m fucked, but I’m certainly interesting. (Often only to me, I grant. Finding an audience somehow is certainly a project.)
Speaking of Ev’s Stories, I wonder which ones to put together and how to construct it. Certainly autobiographical/non-fiction. My decade+ in Asia and travels as bits for travel and thought, sure, but The Incident is gonna play. A unique perspective and voice, I have. I need to find a structure to give it such, however.
Rough idea comes from what I was told of rehab: The first year is refinding who you are, how to exist. The second year is the Return to Earth, and the third act and beyond is the Rest of your Life. <–Follows an -ish/simple/3-Act pattern and seems to fit. First is more background into Sept. 22, 2019. The return to Earth, and far too-soon back to Asia+work, is tentatively the Second Act. I'm currently living Part Three, so hard for Editor Ev, w my ADHD-d brain (and more) to connect 'em all. (I have SO MANY thoughts! They're like my ~100 kids/day at school. They ain't individuals; they're a collective popcorn burst. Difficult-to-impossible to wrangle.