“The fuzziest box shot in the West!” There are just not a lot of good images out there for this film.

Evil Roy Slade

I realized I had been playing far too many movies with subtitles lately and I started thinking – what genre have I not played recently?  Besides romance?  Westerns!  I have wanted to play one of my favorite westerns (besides the Sergio Leone movies):  Evil Roy Slade.  I finally decided this movie will never be available streaming, so I picked a fan-restored version on YouTube.  It’s a gamble showing YouTube normally, but this has been up for eight years.  I think it will still be up come Thursday. There is a nice writeup about the process of saving this film on the YouTube link.  I thank all involved for saving this film from being a lost piece of film history!

It is great to see John Astin applying his timeless and excellent humor on characters other than Gomez Addams.  And the lessons of this film are still applicable today.  Evil Roy falls in love with a woman who wants him to change his ways…  Evil Roy begins to visit a psychiatrist regularly to try to become less evil.  Madness!  Don’t do it, Evil Roy!

Here’s a quote from the film, which could have been lifted from the Glib comments any weekday morning:

Betsy Potter: Let’s try some arithmetic. If you had six apples and your neighbor took three apples, what would you have?
Evil Roy Slade: A dead neighbor and all six apples.

Genius! You’ll have to tune in to see what happens next!  So watch!  Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, I will continue to play… Something.  I remain unable to plan ahead this year.