Maybe they can learn by osmosis?

The feedback I’m getting from students is, “I just can’t follow what you’re doing.”

“What’s the issue?”

“Too much math.”

“How much math should there be?”

“Uhhhh… none?”

Sigh. “You have a fine career ahead of you working for the government.”

Other people have a fine birthday today, including a guy who tried to make you less perplexed; a guy who shared my appreciation for naked ladies; a guy whose intellect was on fire; a guy who was half deaf; a guy who was true to his source; a guy I would love to send to congress; the progenitor of the Obama/Bush doctrine of secret war; someone who dropped a Duke; someone who fucked everyone; the father of a bouncing baby boy; and someone inspired by Speed Racer.

And before I lose you… Links.


Party of small government, right?


You know, there IS a solution to this.


The jokes write themselves.


“See? I proved it!”


Reporter discovers geography, is Very Concerned that the Belgian Army may not protect the US.


An excellent review of an actual warmest-year-on-record.


The Left eats their own.


You know, trumpet playing gets no better than this. The Old Man says, “Lay back and enjoy it.”