“Be the reason HR makes a new rule.'” – Riven

Yes, we knew it was going to happen. I got my first student complaint for “inappropriate behavior.” Sequential visits to my office from the head of the academic center (where she works tutoring the students from my Intro Chem class) and my department chairman. I apparently did something horrible. Did I tell a student that she had nice tits? Offer her ‘extra credit’ for ‘special effort?’ Nope.

“You made her very uncomfortable.”


“You used an emoji in your email to her.” (That’s a screenshot of the offending missive, the key for my practice exam which she had requested)

I was stunned into silence. “Uhhh…. OK….”

“We do not use emojis in professional communications. This made her feel very uncomfortable.”

“Uhhhh… OK… I won’t use any more emojis.”

Solemn nods and departure. I think I’ll always have someone else in there when she comes in for our regular meetings and course reviews.

Speaking of which, there are birthdays galore, and a few of them would include a guy we put before da horse; a guy who taught me what a baryton is; an actual prisoner of love; a guy whose views were crystal clear;  a guy who thought of better things to do with a mallet than croquet; a guy who was so great at guitar that a whole style of chording is named after him; a guy we had to study when I took Education courses in college (and convinced me that Education was a scam); a guy whose name is second only to Martin Luther King’s as an indicator that this is a street you don’t want to be on; the quintessential TV milf; one of the guys who funded my first start-up; the reason you wanted Rush Limbaugh to get sick or go on vacation back in the day; a congressman who knew what to do with his staff; a guy whose popularity mystified me (and was irl an insufferable Proggie); a guy who took diction lessons from Paul Harvey; a guy who taught me my teaching style and had the hottest TV wife; a guy who could outgrift Bernie Sanders and Al Sharpton combined; and a short chick I met on my first honeymoon.

Shall we move on to Links? Let’s shall.


So are these real or is Toria Nuland still trying to overthrow governments?


They are scared. Deeply scared.


This just seems… appropriate. They need to be on the other side, though.


This is actually killing our admissions numbers.


Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


Beyond parody.


I dunno, seems a lot for a cover band. 


One of my favorite rhythm sections backing up an amazing vibes player. This got the Old Man’s heart pumping today.