I’m sure this was in Gaza, where “2SLGBTQIA+” is Arabic for, “We are an ally!”

It’s PURIM!!!! YAYYYY!!!! We’re supposed to make a lot of noise during services and celebrations at particular points in the reading of the Megillah (the one-scroll version of the Book of Esther), so you’ll pardon the Howard Dean yell to start this. The great thing about this book is that no miracles happen, Yahweh stays out of it, victory is achieved through human effort, intelligence, and guile. Really, it’s the most libertarian book of the Bible. The Cliff’s Notes version is here, and I modestly think it’s worth a read.

It’s not just Purim, it’s a day for birthdays, and they include a guy who was totally metal; a guy for whom a sturm was brewing; a guy who was a real ray of sunshine; the slickest Jew ever; the only person to use the phrase “black bodies” that’s worth paying attention to; the perfect illustration that a great scientist can be a despicable human; a guy who predated Instagram and SnapChat; the first victim of #metoo (TW: not a Wikipedia link); a guy who, in a just world, would be as well known as Disney; his exact opposite; the father of the IRS; the archetypical bad guy; a guy who was pretty good with a tennis ball; the best bass player to ever inhabit a studio; the guy in charge of NPR coverage of Israel; a guy who may be responsible for the greatest 15 minutes or so of American cinema; my favorite post-Roy-Chapman-Andrews paleontologist; a better version of Bill Gates; a woman whose resume was inflated; and an inspiration to all flute players.

Let us bow our heads in Links.


The Entitled JAP stereotype writ large.


They left off the sixth thing: we’re fucking BROKE.


This is my shocked face.


I saw this right after my Instagram feed showed me a folk singer ranting about Trump.


British tax dollars at work.


Global warming update.


TBT has been on my mind- yesterday’s Old Guy Music was them doing a cover, today’s is a cover of them.