Welcome all to another substitution.  If you don’t like it, feel free to request a refund.

Let’s start with something fun.  Slate knows the real story about the issues at NPR.

Go ahead and find a bad guy in this story… I’ll wait.

Wait… that’s right, I can’t go off topic.  So, some spoilers behind here to understand one of the major reasons I have issues with the Fallout TV show (for those who only played FO3 and FO4, there’s nothing to see there).  And yes, yes they did wipe it out.  The bastards.

It’s a different format you idiots.  The writing for games has been a draw for over 30 years… go back and read through the story for things like Ultima IV, Wing Commander (the whole Kilrathi saga really), and Star Control 2 (I’m being strong and waiting until release).

You had one job…

The past couple of weeks have had me going to some shows and running into people I haven’t seen in decades.  So, this seems an appropriate song.

Let’s see if anyone can find a reason to complain about this cocktail variant:

Clover Leaf

  • 1/2 ounce Chambord liqueur or Pomegranate Grenadine
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 1 egg whites or 1/2 ounce half-and-half
  • 1–1 1/2 ounces gin

Put them all into a shaker, shake until cold and frothy, strain into a coupe glass.  Garnish with some mint if you would like.