Dick Slashballs inhaled carefully, a controlled stream of air entering his lungs, inflating them by a precise amount. He began an equally controlled exhalation, about to stop as soon as the reticle dropped by the prescribed amount, settling on the target’s vital zone.

He suddenly began coughing uncontrollably, the white smoke from his spotter’s pipe triggering his lungs into violent convulsions.

“God DAMMIT, Hunter!,” Slashballs choked. “I fucking *had* her that time, you shitstain!”

“I had her once, you know,” Hunter mused, exhaling the last vapors, the vocal fry grating on Dick’s last nerve.

“I swear to God, if your father wasn’t who he is, I’d bury you over there by that burned out T-82,” muttered Slashballs.

“I heard that, *Dick*, said Hunter, cheerily. You wouldn’t want Daddy to lose another son to the ravages of war, would you?

“Certainly not,” Slashballs muttered, watching his prey climb into the armored car through the scope, as his heaving chest slowed. “We’re going to have to get mobile soon. We can’t lose her again.”

“Super!” cried Hunter. “I call sidecar!”

“You always ride sidecar,” grumped Slashballs. “Like I’d let you drive, you fucking crackhead.”

“I just LOVE field ops!” Cracky cried, his muffled voice seemingly emanating from Hunter’s plate carrier. “I feel so ALIVE!”

Hunter ripped open the velcro flap pocket and drew Cracky out of his marsupial comfort. “I love you, Cracky! I’m so glad we’re on this adventure together!”

Slashballs rolled his eyes as he slung his rifle, “Time to go, ‘guys.’ We need to be moving.”

Hunter skipped over to the sidecar and hopped in, slamming down into place, unheedful of the bruising he would certainly experience later.

As Slashballs settled into the saddle, his wrist communicator came alive with a buzz. He looked at the tiny screen. Joe stared back at him.

“Ji-Jil-Jill!” I’m not sure how to work this crazy thing! Hunter’s not there! I think I called Grizzly Adams again!

“It’s Doctor, dear. Let me talk to him”

“Did you eliminate the target, Slashballs?”

“No, uh, Doctor, we uh, had an unexpected bump in plans. It got, er, a bit foggy.”

“Christ, is Hunter smoking again? I fucking told that quartermaster to double check his gear and make sure there were no crack pipes this time.”

“Yes, Ma’am—er, Doctor,” Slashballs corrected himself. He broke out that rock again while I was setting up the shot. I can’t fucking babysit him and do my job at the same time.”

“Welcome to my world, Slashballs. Welcome to my world.”