Sick burn.

Okay, I lived in California for way too many years. Four major earthquakes off the top of my head. They can be scary. But dear lord. The North East melted the fuck down for a full six hours yesterday over a 20 second 4.8 earthquake. Turn in your man card NYC.




Oh, Vger will be making contact.


This has been in the works for some time. Evil fuckers.


Oh please, let it be so.


If this is another Epstein disappoint, I will be pissed.


That’s what caused you to put the dress on in the first place.


Seriously, what the fuck happened to Scotland? Did centuries of shitty weather finally rot their brains? Too much peat in the scotch? I dunno, but the Scottish Enlightenment is now in the distant past.


Too bad the forecast is solid cloud cover.


Oh, on another note. OMWC is a whiny bitch. We had one bottle of wine last night, and he crawled out the door at 2100. It’s sad to watch them fade away in old age.