Still in my Cuomotine, but at least I’m home.  It did take me a while to find my star charts, somehow I left them on the shelf where I keep my spare holsters.

This is the last week of MERCURY RETROGRADE, so Saturday will be nice.

As far as alignments go, this week is very strange.  There are two of them and the both center on good ol’ Terra.  The first one is MERCURY RETROGRADE – Earth – MARS RETROGRADE which should be terrible news, and we’d spend most of the time looking for clues as to how exactly things were going to be supremely fucked up.  But…  The other one is Sun – Earth – Moon which is an (obviously) common configuration; it’s so common that there’s vast amounts of data as to how it is good luck.  The phrase used for it is “enthroned in power.”  Because that is such a solid indicator of things being in control, predictable and felicitous, we have to go back to looking at the other alignment.  Typically retrograde motion (like any other celestial abnormality) is a sign of Things Being Wrong.  But it can also mean that the planet’s typical influence is reversed.   So we could be looking at a week in which Mercury brings stability and a lack of news, and Mars brings peace.

Or this could indicate that someone slaughters their domestic abuser in a particularly grisly fashion.

Which do you think is more likely this week?  No news and peace, or righteous murder?

Five signs to look at this week:

The sun is in Scorpio, but that’s it.  Capricorn still plays host to Jupiter and Saturn, so expect continuing strife, but also that you will have particular success in either comedy or crushing rebellions.  The moon is in Taurus, so if you encounter people being whiny, mopey, passive-aggressive or catty, deal with it or avoid them.  You will not be able to change their behavior this week (unless you’re a Capricorn).  Mars is retrograde in Aries, so expect an uptick in stupid people being loud, aggressive, self-righteous and destructive.  Finally, we have MERCURY RETROGRADE and Venus in Libra.  Things are going to be all catywumpus until Saturday and then BLAM! Instant happiness.  That will be an excellent day for makeup sex.

This week’s cards are fucking terrible.  The Hanged Man reversed, The Lovers reversed — fights, friendships broken; The Hierophant, The Devil, The Tower — an evil person comes to power and brings disaster; 5 of Swords reversed — property taken from you by force; 8 of Cups — abandoning good things.

Scorpio:  The Hanged Man reversed – Selfishness, the crowd, body politic

Sagittarius:  Knight of Coins – Utility, serviceableness, interest, responsibility, rectitude

Capricorn:  The Lovers reversed – Failure, foolish designs, marriage frustrated, contrarieties of all kinds

Aquarius:  4 of Wands reversed – prosperity, increase, felicity, beauty, embellishment

Pisces:  7 of Coins – money, business, barter, altercation, quarrels, innocence, ingenuity, purgation

Aries:  The Tower – Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin

Taurus:  The Hierophant – Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inspiration

Gemini:  The Devil – Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality

Cancer:  2 of Coins reversed –  Enforced gaiety, simulated enjoyment, literal sense, handwriting, composition, letters of exchange

Leo:  2 of Cups – Love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, concord, sympathy

Virgo:  5 of Swords reversed –  Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonour, loss

Libra:  8 of Cups –  the decline of a matter, or that a matter which has been thought to be important is really of slight consequence