SP and I mostly eschew pretentious “fine” dining, but we do make an exception on occasion. And one of them is a monthly expedition to our favorite PHX-area restaurant, a place run by a James Beard Award winning chef, whose food really does live up to the hype. Last night was December’s outing. Problem is, they have an actually good wine list, very heavy on serious Beaujolais, which we really, really like. Shall I go on…? In any case, that’s my excuse for links today being slightly limp.

You know who else might be a bit hungover? Some of today’s birthday celebrants, including a very famous conductor; a famously batshit crazy wife; a guy who had every right to say (about WW1) “I can’t see that we did any good,” then got shat on by the IRS; a guy whose illustrious career was lined with bad decisions, corruption, and total amoral incompetence; a guy who defied cirrhosis and may have fucked Mary Tyler Moore in her prime; the favorite punching bag of the press, who were totally not racist; a guy who doesn’t need to be parodied; another corrupt and incompetent sack of shit; and yet another corrupt and incompetent sack of shit; and finally, an absolutely wonderful actor, who seems to be an excellent person as well.

Let’s do some news.


“I am fairly confident that before March of 2020, this mentality would have been recognized as some form of ailment of the mind warranting intervention.”


Cripple Fight or Bum Fight? You decide.


Pride goeth before the Fall.


This got about 2% of the news coverage of the execution of the child torturer/murderer. Huh.


This is fucking hilarious. Don’t anyone tell me about how there’s actually a difference between the Teams.


“This complicates diplomatic efforts by the Biden administration.”


How long before this is discovered to be a hoax, and that correction is put on Page 27?


And today, the ultimate Old Guy. Willie’s cover is one of the few that redefines a song.