


Imagine doing this for eight minutes.


Donald Trump opened a migrant children’s detention facility next to a Superfund site, closed it, and Biden reopened it.  TL/DR:  Trump gave Mexicans cancer.

First off, how do they know there are only ten?  Next, if there are only ten they are pretty much wiped out unless there are openings at Sea World. Finally, that is an awesome shrimping region so I kind of prefer that to the porpoise.

Mexico offers to purchase COVID vaccines, but the White House says, “no se venden ahora.”

Remain in Mexico program ends, El Paso notices the camps are empty. Hilarity to ensue?

Enormous invasive species of fruit kills biker.  One of a dozen reasons Brazilians scoff at abundant staple their underclass (and first world Vegans) eats because it literally falls from trees.

Its cool, because based on CNN’s coverage, everyone else is going to die in Brazil anyways.


I had to watch Brooke Shields peddle toothpaste before I could hear this.