Somehow this came up in conversation, and think it is useful information for everyone.

This is my review of Crispy The Shop Beer Co Blond Lager:

The military purchased an insane number of CBRNE masks over the years and due to quality control they rotate these things out from time to time.  So the standard issued gas mask is the MCU-2/P mask.  They can be purchased from this link here.  Even though this site has them on backorder for reasons I will not speculate, there are a number fo fine retailers nationwide where one can be had.

To test the mask’s seal, one first must use a fresh canister to filter the incoming air.  Then as the Squid in the picture to the left demonstrates, cover the filter.  If the mask is properly sealed, the soft plastic screen should collapse on itself when you breathe in.

The first pertinent piece of information about this:  simply give the mask canister 1/4 turn to loosen it slightly.  Doing so makes it significantly easier to breathe in the mask.  It even has the added benefit of still being able to pass the seal test, should an NCO wish to be a wise ass and try to catch you “cheating”, declare you “dead”, and tell you to “report to the medical unit”.

This mask protects against a variety of chemical and biological agents.  One agent that may prove this mask come in handy in the future, is OC (Tear) gas.  A common method of crowd dispersal used by police.

The second piece of pertinent information:  should you find yourself in an environment with OC, and are utilizing the 1/4 turn trick…you will be breathing in tear gas.

Why do I think you may want to know this?  No reason…but do use this information wisely.


This beer is local to me, but unlike the others in my area that load up the non-IPA space on store shelves with Kölsch, blonde ales, and lawnmower Pils this time of year, they throw us all for a loop and give us a Helles Lager.  What the hell is a Helles?  Common in southern Germany, it is similar in profile to a Pilsner but is distinctively German.  A bit maltier is really the only difference between the two.  This one goes great with pizza, whether the pizza is decent or not. Crispy The Shop Beer Co Blond Lager:  2.9/5