“May as well take a pee now.”

Rusty tin can lids. Very effective. Anyway, with Banjos tied up (and Sloopy will let her go any week now), you get to have my links and oddball music for the third day in a row. Oh joy.

Birthdays today include a guy who may have invented the chemistry set; a guy who was hot, hot, hot; a guy who was no sadist; some uggo chick with a tiara; a guy who was nothing great but sure better than his predecessor; Matt Gaetz’s spirit animal; a guy who stuck Detroit in the toilet and made the first flush; a woman who fit perfectly into the Chicago mayoral tradition; my personal hero; and a guy with the distinction that every cover of his songs was better than the original.

News for your Monday.


Remember when this was racist?


A trillion here, a trillion there, and before you know it, it’s a lot of money.


Politicizing the whole Covid thing shockingly leads to political results. Huh.


We’re not antisemites, we just think the Jews are genocidal Nazis.


We’re not antisemites, we’re just fighting the good fight.


We seem to have no shortage here.



Old Guy Music is more proof of my earlier assertion in the Birthday list.