“L’enfer, c’est les autres” or so said Sartre, the Jerry Lewis of philosophy. “And where hell is there must we ever be,” opined Marlowe. “Hell is a democracy of devils, where all are equals,” claimed Melville. Roth observes, “The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.” Hell was my workplace the past week, says OMWC. Massive material shortages, demands to create new products from scratch using whatever is available, compress a year of development into two weeks, and get bitched at because it’s taking two weeks and why isn’t it done already. Then equipment failure causing one of our giant reactor tanks to crack open and spill its contents.

And 3 digit temperatures in May. I’m so done with this place.

Birthdays today include a guy whose music isn’t nearly as bad as it sounds; a strong advocate for fairies; a guy who didn’t know if it was safe; a guy who inspired my favorite work; arguably the greatest bandleader ever (certainly the most unusual and creative); a guy who was usually wrong but in interesting and useful ways; the rich guy who cursed us with Bush The Younger; a guy most famous for getting shot; the last of the semi-honest news guys; our very own Francisco d’Anconia; a guy most famous for his injuries; and a candidate for dumbest human in the Senate (“My daddy gave me this seat, have respect!”).

News next.


There’s a place in Hell for these cops.


More cops piling into Hell, if there is any justice in this world.


Totally not antisemitism. Go to Hell, Rage Boy.


More chaos and dysfunction. Good.


This brings out my inner geek. OK, my geek is not so inner.


Old Guy Music features space jazz from one of the Birthday Boys. It sorta encapsulates how I’m feeling today.