I got nothing for sports today.  Just…nothing.  Sorry.

“Right. That’s hate speech. Off to jail.”

This makes sense, I suppose. Why transport them to a gulag when you can just fence them in and create one where they already are? What a bunch of fascist pricks.

“I’ll see you, Chicago. And raise you.” I take it the people whose businesses got looted will have to file an insurance claim. And yes, I am against excessive use of force. I’m just not sure the action here, which is basically fleecing the taxpayers for the bad actions of a couple officers, is the right way to go about this.  Fire the cops, take away their immunity, and take the money for this from their collective pension funds.

The country is seeing the light. Just in time for the midterms! What a hell of a coincidence.

That’s not an arsenal. That’s barely the start of one.

“Police arrest hobbyist for no reason.” At least that would be the headline in a sane world. Because literally everything he had is legal to purchase.

Kick the can- government style. This was inevitable, I suppose. Which is why all 65 of them should be voted out of office.

I bet the coverage on this is different than that of the Canadian truckers. But that’s just a hunch. I’m sure I could be wrong…but I’m not.

Yeah…no shit. I wonder if there’s enough time for them to put the genie back in the bottle? Voters can be stupid, after all. But I don’t think they’ll be able to do enough to stem the tide this time. They’ve ruined too many lives.

Tragic stupidity.

This case is going to be a shitshow. Yes, you have a right to defend yourself. No, you do not have a right to shoot at a vehicle you think your attacker may have climbed into.

Here’s a solid song. And if that’s a bit too agro, then try this one out. They’re both outstanding.

Now get out there and enjoy Friday and the long weekend, dear friends.