Lily and Bodie, one of this Spring’s wave of pups.


Gaaa!  Ok, got to be at Prospect mountain in about seventeen hours.  What can I discern…  Domestic disruption settles as Mercury moves out of alignment.  This week is still heavily weighted towards divorces/breakups as Venus and Saturn continue their alignment into next week.  Aries gets a bit more luck picking up that aforementioned Mercury, and Pisces would be advised to have a date on Wednesday.  The planets will be right… for love!


Lily, Banks and Toby (no relation to Banks)


A surprising number of Jews represented this week.

Aries:  Page of Wands reversed – An errand boy/underling that screws things up.

Taurus:  3 of Swords reversed – Good food from any of the following types:  Persian,  Mediterranean, or Churrascaria.

Gemini:  The High Priestess reversed – A date going less well than expected, a Jewess obstructing you, crappy pomegranates.

Cancer:  Queen of Coins – A rich/dragon lady provides a brief opportunity.

Leo:  The Lovers – Bow Chicka Wow!

Virgo:  4 of Wands – Celebrations, parties, a good time was had by all in attendance.

Libra:  5 of Coins – A mixing of social classes.

Scorpio:  10 of Swords – Ever have one of those weeks here you get stabbed in the back?  Yeah, sorry about that.

Sagittarius:  Temperance – A break in the louds, unexpected success, overachieving.

Capricorn:  10 of Coins – (((They))) provide gatekeeping or protective functions, happiness dependent on wealth.

Aquarius:  9 of Cups – Being fat and happy, proudly displaying successes, a well stocked merchant.

Pisces:  The Hierophant reversed – The Pope does something stupid and throws two subordinates under the bus.  The bus in this particular case is metaphorical.


Daisy and Lily are the kind of friends that can beat the snot out of each other for an hour then go for a drink together

The water is always wetter in someone else’s bowl