Well, Spudalicious arrives later today, spreading 16 kinds of Idaho cheer. He, of course, descends just as our workload has demanded more and more from us, so he generously offered to sit on the couch, drink our booze, watch daytime TV, and toss out random criticisms of how we’re doing things. This is a true friend.

Birthdays today include a guy whose name sounds like a doorbell; a guy who fell asleep and lost his head; a woman who was woke before there was woke; a guy who was truly boss; a pioneer of my favorite art form; the very straightest gay man in Hollywood; the spirit animal of Elizabeth Warren; a woman who definitely had her fans; everyone’s favorite virgin; a guy who needed buttering up; the guy who coined the phrase, “What, too soon?”; the best unibrow in baseball history; one of the odder critters to inhabit Congress; someone who actually understands Congress; the best offensive lineman I’ve ever seen play; a guy famous for milk and cookies; a guy who was described to me as “The Hispanic Monopoly Man“; an actor who got my attention, interest, decision, and action; the only guy who could do a great impression of Jackie Gleason getting ass-fucked; the lamest Iron Chef; and my favorite skier with anger issues.

Whatever, let’s see some Links action!


On theme for today.


Useful to know if we ever get invaded by the Irish.


Believe nothing.


I know this wasn’t the writer’s intention, but I came away believing no-one. TW: Long story. I think she’s paid by the column inch.


My only deep misgiving is the existence of this federal land (only peripherally mentioned, but the key) in the first place. Auction off the land, not leases. Cut our taxes. That will happen around the same time that the unicorn circling our house decides to land.


So much for Mrs. Potatohead.


Fun in Isla Vista.


Didn’t he run out of room in his Twitter profile from all the syringe emojis?


I’ve probably used this song before, but really, Old Guy Music today can only be this.