This is the way.

As I make my journey halfway across this great nation of ours, I have come to the realization that Texas is paradise. Well, at least relative to Louisiana and Mississippi.  Their inexplicably low  65 MPH speed limit on four lane, divided rural highways (not interstates) and their absolutely insane placement of a local cop after every hill or around every curve makes them both awful. Get with the program, you guys. If you want to be a part of the Great Texas Empire when the SHTF, you need to put an end to that retardation.  Get those speed limits up to 75 -80 and have one cop every couple hundred miles. Otherwise, you’re out. On the flip side, I don’t think I dropped below 90 once I hit the Bama state line until I got to the outskirts of Birmingham.  It helped immensely that I was effectively in a DRS train of sports cars for the most part. And boy, was it ever enjoyable.  Anyway, that’s the end of my diatribe.  Time to move on.


The Celtics thumped the Heat to even the NBA’s ECF. The Lightning sapped the Panthers will to play and moved to a 2-0 series lead. The Blues leveled their series with Colorado in the west.  And across the pond, Everton managed a comeback win that will see them stay in the PL for another season.  But they’re still an embarrassment to that city and their crosstown rivals laugh at them as they deserve.  And that’s it for sports.

Hey, this is actually a pretty good idea. Especially for those of us with kids who sit the damn things down and forget where they put them…just before they proceed to drink less than half a bottle and then leave that somewhere on a table to go flat.

“Why you poisoning me, bitch?”

I knew this was coming. But it’s still enraging. There’s absolutely no benefit whatsoever to kids. And the downsides are massive. Sure, you have a few outliers it may help. But this approval will lead to mandates. And those mandates will lead to mass “immunization”. And that will lead to a fucking gazillion kids with side effects and diminished immune systems. And that will lead to a really shitty future.

So y’all are still running with this story, huh? You do know people aren’t that stupid, don’t you? Oh wait, they are that stupid. So I guess they’ll continue voting in the real culprits and blaming the same bogeyman. I’ll also note that to almost seems as if there’s a vested interest in keeping this war going as long as possible in order to tighten that grip on power. But I’m sure that’s just a hell of a coincidence.

Yeah, we definitely should have shut down those lease auctions. We don’t need any new oil capacity. Nosiree.  Seriously, do the imbeciles running our government not realize this is a lot more likely to fuel a civil war than it is a “green economy”?

This story is stupid. It doesn’t even have a photo of the subordinate so I can make an assessment whether or not the guy deserved a penalty or a promotion.  Do better, NY Post.

A “woman”.

Just hook it to my veins!!! We need as much more of this as can be printed. Perhaps that would end the madness quicker.  Also, the tranny isn’t even making an effort to look like a chick. I bet he hasn’t even cut his balls off yet.

I can assure you that absolutely nothing will happen. Wait, let me clarify: nothing will happen to the cop. The taxpayers, on the other hand, will fork over millions.

That’s some fine engineering work there, boys. Well fucking done.

Leave it to the government to not be able to count. I see they’re blaming the state officials who, last I checked, had nothing at all to do with the exclusively federal matter.  Big shock there.

No it’s not Zeppelin, but it’s still a good song. So that’s how it went for one guy. And here’s how it went for another. You decide if either or both are up to snuff.

Now get out there and have a great day and an even better weekend, my friends.